If they took away his shaving implements, would these feelings wax or wane?
If they took away his shaving implements, would these feelings wax or wane?
I think dumping stock is less the fraud, could have been structuring sales to take advantage of tax year stuff. Like they delayed reporting.
Or they regain less from writing them off then giving them away and taking the credit… Hmmm…
The batteries are good, we can buy the batteries not the whole car.
The cars themselves are built to be a locally sourced and consumed commodity. They don’t have the certification to sell in NA. The whole car being cheaper is a reflection of all these things.
Instead of cheap, I could have said less expensive.
Yeah how do you think it’s the cheapest? They have the most clever engineering methods or something?
No. It’s cheap material, cheap labor, concessions on everything.
Allegedly killed.
Oh I get it.
Yeah running countries is a series of shitty compromises, unless you are small enough to gain consensus.
The drone strikes thing is a bad example. If he didn’t touch it, individual combat units could use drones with impunity. He required drone strikes to be approved by his office.
Tell me if you had the choice between sending in boots to kill a guy, or drone strike, would you really ever risk your guys getting shot?
He added red tape, the minimum thing he could do. I’ll agree with criticism that he did the bare minimum, but all these comments about this frame it like he was horny for drones. That’s reductive and misleading.
Her degrees are ECE and conservation so no.
So on one hand, yes. On the other hand, there are tasks that are onerous to non technicians.
If you asked me to do it manually, sure. I’ve interacted with a bunch of software, understand measurement systems, done some programming etc.
My wife on the other hand… There’s no overlap between ecology or life sciences in this task. Outside her ability.
Maybe support agent was being lazy, or ignorant.
The portal the agents use should be able to bring up internal info via keywords like “colour registration”
I would watch this sequel to osmosis jones
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It’ll escape to South America?