Before clicking: prediction, Nestlé.
Edit: not top, but they’re up there.
Before clicking: prediction, Nestlé.
Edit: not top, but they’re up there.
Borderlands 2, including all the dlc. Such a great game. Bonus points if you have played borderlands 1, but its not essential.
Borderlands 3 has excellent gameplay but the writing is far, far worse than borderlands 2. They somewhat lost the anti-corpo anti-cap vibes that the series was built on. You can pretty frequently pick up the entire series with all dlc for like… £30 or something with the Pandoras Box bundle.
I had a bunch of fun with Destiny 2 but I can’t recommend it in good conscience because of the state of the management of the game.
My harem grows
Yet to meet a girl who isn’t sleepy. Planning to start my harem by simply having several comfy places to snooze. I say harem, its more like a collection of sleepy resident cat(girl)s
Any Edgar Wright film, and the John Wick films
For whatever reason I’m struggling to parse the information on this graph - can someone eli5 what the trends are here?
I have a deep need for that pic of Dr Trump and Mini E
The allegations
I was going to comment
“I’m not like other girls - I’m gay”
but then I remembered y’all are all fruits as well
The negation in your sentence implies you think the status quo is good - just fyi
I can’t speak for everyone, but datapoint of me:
I wouldn’t, at all, be able to be in the mental space of “this episode is the third episode in the continuity of 1 2 3, the second episode in the continuity of 2 3 1, and the first episode in a new set”. It isn’t the same thing, practically. Between viewings, you can do a sort of “mental reset” but if theres no “between viewings” and the viewings are in fact simultaneous, I just don’t think its feasible to experience an episode as 3 different points in a chronology at the same time.
I’m gonna call her
The Last Campfire is like being read a bedtime story - its delightful
Night in the Woods is so god damn good. Heartbreaking what happened with the dev, though.
I fell off a short bridge into a ditch, got up, started walking up out of the ditch. Realised I couldn’t breathe (winded) and then fell back into the same ditch, unconscious.
Had the most psychedelic dream I’ve ever had, and woke up to someone tending to my wounds.
Its the soulless eyes
Cool at least you understand that we’re oppressed.
You act like all we suffer is pronouns and other stuff you consider inconsequential. We’re being beaten and bullied at school, we’re being murdered, we’re having entire government campaigns created to eradicate us. You’d think that under all that oppression, we could at least expect a member of our queer community to not call us piss babies for wanting our pronouns respected.
You should give a fuck about gay marriage and you should give a fuck about the erasure of the existence of transgender people. You should also give a fuck about any of us being beaten or abused or denied the life saving healthcare we require. You don’t need to draw a line in the sand conveniently at issues that don’t affect you.
God you’re insufferable. Fine I’ll bite.
I used gay marriage as a way to help you see similarities.
Answer me one question, real quick: do you think transgender and genderqueer people are oppressed?
Any idea how video/screen share is coming along for revolt?