I make comics sometimes: https://linktr.ee/ahdok

  • 15 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I did once have a patreon, but it lapsed - literally nobody signed up for it in over a decade. These days, I’d feel a little bad having a regular payment, considering how little content I actually produce.

    I don’t need any financial support to keep doing this, I’m lucky enough to not need financial support, and I draw to relax. The absolute best way to “support the comic” is to introduce more people to it, especially on bluesky. https://linktr.ee/ahdok for the social media streams I use.

    If you really really want to put financial support towards me, there is a paypal link on the comic site, and also a few t-shirts at the “shop” link at the top - but again, I want to stress that the comic is not dependent on donations in any way.

  • Yes. One of the benefits of this is that it makes my visual style rather unique - I often get asked what digital brushes I’m using to get these pencil textures, and the answer is “pencils.” One of the downsides is it means it’s quite slow to make new pictures.

    I used to hand-letter, but lettering is a surprisingly slow and taxing job, and I found myself spending a lot of time touching it up digitally, so now I use a font I made from my own handwriting.

    Here’s an image showing many of the physical media brands and tools I use. Notes:

    • The primary pigment liner width I use is 0.2, I use the 0.05 for very fine lines sometimes.
    • I have replaced the pentel p203 pencil with a Spoke-4-Titanium, although the Spoke pencil still uses a P203 mechanism

    Here’s a step-by-step showing how it looks as I go

    And, here’s a photo of the pencilwork for this specific comic :D

  • Yep.

    As best I can find, rooting through old Forgotten Realms lore, the colours of the Tymoran church are normally blue and silver.

    For my comics, I made the Tower of Luck use green as it’s main colour for stuff, to mimic the green baize of gambling tables. Gold accents to symbolize wealth - since the Tower of Luck is much more focused on luck and gambling than the good fortune and karma focus that the rest of the faith normally has. It’s my general intention to slip gambling references and symbology into the church whenever the characters are there.

  • I think I’ll answer this in two separate answers, so as not to conflate in-game issues with real-world issues.

    To address the issue in the game world,. it’s not quite as easy as issuing a statement of support. After all, It’s already known that the church supports Konsi, a lot of people won’t see the statement, and nothing they could say would come close to measuring up to open recognition of her deeds by the Open Lord

    The issue isn’t really about Konsi’s character at all, the issue is that there’s an opportunity for opponents of the church to run a smear campaign, and there’s no shortage of people who might want to do that.

    Agents of Beshaba will not care if the majority of people believe them, and won’t be trying to convince everyone. They just want to publicly allege corruption, throw in some doubt and confusion. They want to give ammunition to those who want to be convinced that the church is bad to back up those views. Give them ammunition to reinforce their existing beliefs.

    There are plenty of people who dislike how much power the Tower of Luck has, especially over the gambling industry in Waterdeep. Some people don’t want to pay fees or employ members of the tower to oversee games, it’s almost like guild dues. Some people want to run crooked games, but find it difficult to find marks when all the reputable games are sponsored by the church. Some people believe that it’s not the place of the church to be doing any of this, the size and power of the Tower of Luck isn’t at all consistent with how the faith is normally represented - there are theologians who argue that Waterdhavian Tymoran faith is a heretical sect.

    Some of the nobles who lost in the tournament might have a bit of a bruised ego from “losing to a goblin” - if they can cause a controversy about the match, claim there was a fix they can convince people around them, and themselves that they didn’t “really” lose.

    And… of course, those people who just absolutely hate, hate, hate goblins (of which there are many) will be inclined to believe the worst, no matter what anyone says or does.

    If such attacks were made, would it seriously damage the church? Probably not - but it’ll cost them a few people here and there. Worse, it could form the foundation of a sustained assault on the position and power they hold in Waterdeep, and it’s the job of the church’s leaders to protect that.

    I imagine, if anything does happen, there will be more specific details in future comics…

  • Well that, but also she’s still a goblin. Religious institutions in the Forgotten Realms traditionally view goblins as less than worthless, and most people in Waterdeep think of Goblins the same way, regardless of the person’s actual accomplishments.

    Most people would assume that the church would be willing to abandon a goblin at a moment’s notice to protect their reputation - especially if they’re not familiar with the people involved, or the full extent of her deeds. Honestly, most people in Waterdeep think the church is tarnishing its reputation by having a goblin in their ranks in the first place.

  • Some ideas for GMs of high level parties:

    • Low level party seeks our your party for advice, or help with something outside of their abilities
    • Newspaper reporter seeks interview for puff-piece about adventurer lifestyles
    • Newspaper reporter seeks interview so they can write hit-piece on a party member
    • Fans of the party’s exploits show up and ask for autographs
    • That play scene from Avatar the Last Airbender
    • Merchants keep pitching increasingly plausible investment opportunities
    • Party encounters someone dressed up as the most famous member of the party, using their identity to claim free drinks at the pub
    • Unskilled squire requests to join party to help with their adventures
    • Legendary Swordsman seeks out party member for a duel
    • Everyone you meet asks for money

  • Umm… actually recalling information is INT.

    The first line under “intelligence” in the PHB is:

    “An Intelligence check comes into play when you need to draw on logic, education, memory, or deductive reasoning.”

    Hell, even the keen mind feat, which gives you perfect memory for a month, gives you INT.