Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.
OK so here are some brands butter kiss twinning English breakfast tea Hovis seed sensations KP peanuts tonics, caramel wafers Mentos pure chewing gum Tropicana juice after eight mince Doritos mild salsa Hellmann’s mayonnaise Hellmans mustard Rubicon sparkling mango Vera Moretti, innocent
Seems like more commas would help it interpret this list.
I was commenting on pro sports and somewhat college athletics. Kids sports are cool imo except for how overly engaged and competitive the parents get about it.
Sure, not everyone can play sports themselves. If they tried it more though, they’d be more likely to be able to. I’d bet the majority of sports fans are not unable to engage in athletic activity. I do realize that watching sports is also different than playing sports. That’s what I’m being critical of though.
I have long thought that there’s way too much emphasis placed on pro sports in society, but there are a few aspects to this. First, I agree that it inflames division and tribalism. I’ve had people act angry and want to start fights with me because they saw my license plate and grumbled something about football, or I was wearing a hat for some sports team I wasn’t even aware of and people were upset about it. The amount of attention and money spent on basically watching adult adults play little kid games is absurd. Incredible amounts of money are spent on stadiums and salaries.
Still there are positive aspects. The competitive and high profile nature does propel people to exceptional feats of athleticism. The same goes for Olympic sports. Olympic stadiums are a bit of an excess, but there are benefits to international relations that come from the Olympic games. A question I have is as far as the Olympic it goes, what sports are not competitive? Even solo sports are done as a competition.
But generally, my perspective is that if people are interested in sports, they should play them themselves. I don’t know why it would be so exciting to go watch someone else play basketball or something. You should just play basketball if you like it so much.
Make onerous rules and restrictions. Hold posts for moderation and make them answer questions. Don’t accept the answers. Shadowban regular contributors.
Right. The title of the reddit post says “private accounts” and by any reasonable definition, NYC’s bank accounts are not that.
This only supports that they could withdraw money from private bank accounts, not that they have. Yea, if someone in the government wants to fuck your over, there are many ways they can do that.
No, I did not get what I voted for.
Within the last week they were found to be taking credit for cancelling contracts that ended years ago.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. Back 10-15 years ago I was learning JavaScript, Python, CSS etc and I saw people say “I learned programming from videos!” and was wtf, how? Maybe a video explanation could be okay, but trying to extract certain kinds of technical information from a video is maddening and takes 10x as long as getting it from text.
You could edit it before sending it. Seems like you’re putting a lot of faith in AI for some reason.