It’s all about intended audience. When it’s in English it’s toned down and meant for the rest of the world, when it’s in Hebrew it’s meant for Israelis and tends to be more mask off.
It’s all about intended audience. When it’s in English it’s toned down and meant for the rest of the world, when it’s in Hebrew it’s meant for Israelis and tends to be more mask off.
My first thought was maybe they had some way to decompile games from a specific engine but the two other games mentioned are different engines, Unity and Unreal. So either they have methods for both of those two which isn’t that outlandish since they’re both popular enough for people to find a way to do that or they have some other method to port it over. But since the article mentioned they changed some things in the game my bet is on the decompiling.
I think it’s a mix of powerful people wanting him dead to avoid using a trial as a platform for his beliefs along with the chance he is found not guilty by a sympathetic jury.
I mean I’m pretty sure a bit ago I saw something that leaked from a meeting of Dems about strategy going forward where they were talking about trying to shift more to the right by presenting themselves as more patriotic and pushing for more focus on larger donors rather than lots of small donors which is basically just doubling down on what they just tried. I still have some hope that maybe people get so fed up a Bernie like candidate can win despite major push back from donors and the establishment of the party and shape the party to be more progressive rather than allowing the party apparatus and donors to shape them to be less progressive but if that did happen it would be a bigger upset then what happened with Trump winning and shaping the Republican party into his personal Maga party.