I suggested you were a Putinista based out of cuckoldry, and you responded that it was based out of a deeper level of patheticness.
I suggested you were a Putinista based out of cuckoldry, and you responded that it was based out of a deeper level of patheticness.
I will let you draw the connection there, little buddy.
Every fan of Putin I have ever met gave off, “my wife left me for another man,” vibes.
This post, in particular, radiates those vibes more than any other post of this category I have seen.
People often ask how you can tell if a particular post is one paid for by Putin himself, or by a true believer. The ones written by paid trolls aren’t as pathetic as this one is. They don’t make you feel sorry for the person writing it.
I’m not looking at 99% pit bull attack videos though on YouTube.
Now, everybody has a different search results targeted directly to them by Google. If Google is only showing you pit bull attacks, it’s because they decided that is the content you are willing to engage with.
And seeing that you create accounts to argue 8 month old comments that are defending pit bulls, it seems pretty clear that Google has assumed correctly about you.
To be clear, people who advocate for the extermimation of all bully breeds are not claiming that pitbulls account for 99% of all attacks.
So right out of the gate you have decided to make the point you are “debating” more extreme than the most extreme right wing nutcases already part of the conversation.
Better luck rage baiting somebody else. Maybe start out reasonable and then ramp up the insanity slowly instead of coming out of the gate so hot next time.
Just a head’s up but not a single police department in the nation DNA tests or even has a spot on their reports to label which specific breed of dog caused the attack, there is also roughly a dozen different breeds on the list of dogs commonly mistaken for pits.
Anybody telling you pits are responsible for any percentage of dog attacks is lying by giving a number not scientifically achieved.
Wow. Incredible. With friends like you, I don’t think Putin needs enemies.