Too broad of a brush stroke. BPD isn’t as toxic as NPD or ASPD. Even within NPD there are variations of toxicity. Cluster B’s nickname is the “dramatic and erratic” cluster, and some of what falls within there is much more about trauma fallout than evil megalomania.
You jest, but that’s actually an important point for understanding. What narcissists and autists share in common is difficulty taking social perspective. They struggle to or are unable to see what something looks like from the other participant’s perspective. The reasons why they have this difficulty are different though. Narcissists don’t regard others as equals and instead see them as resources to use or discard. Its a problem of delayed social-emotional maturation. Autists have pragmatic communication differences possibly due to neurological differences. They lack the hardware and software needed to do effortless empathic reading of others. However, they are often perfectly willing to learn how to do empathy as a foreign language (cognitive empathy) when they get to the point where they appreciate their difficulties and see the utility in learning how to compensate.