
I have commited the Num-Code for ™ to muscle memory.

Other interests include bicycles, bread making and DIY. I do own a 3D-printer and adore the Nintendo 3ds.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2024


  • Nice try IRS, but you already know what I do: Unemployed, I only deliver newspapers to keep a day rhythm.

    Per month 450€ for paper delivery, 600€ from the state (mostly rent assistance).

    Lived half a year from my savings without any assistance and learned to cut back at everything unnecessary. Now I get more money and don’t need to pay into healthcare. Feels weird to be able to splurge again. Nothing contributes to my pension fund at the moment, but nobody believes in pensions here anyway.

  • Lindner ist Vorsitzender der FDP, Liberalisten, denen es Hauptsächlich um gute Finanzpolitik geht. Seine Frau ist Schwanger.

    Die Titanic ist ein Satire-Magazin, dass erfindet, dass das Baby - ähnlich wie eine Geschlechtsankündigung - noch im Bauch als “Low performer” identifiziert wurde. Also, dass sich Investitionen in dieses Kind sich nicht lohnen werden.

    Mit dem Untertitel zur Abschaffung von §218 des Strafgesetzbuchs (Schwangerschaftabbrüche) wird suggeriert, dass Lindner Finanzpolitik wichtiger sei als Menschenleben - selbst am eigenen, ungeborenen Kind.

  • Everything else being equal, of course electric and induction stoves are preferable to gas. I spend most of my life with an electric stove, no apartment I ever saw had induction, but I didn’t particularly like the gas stove I had to use for some years.

    But if you want the worst user experience ever, find an electric stove with touchscreen controls. What the hell, landlord, where did you even find that one?