“The future ain’t what it used to be.”
-Yogi Berra
I had an idea for a Lemmy community called meme conversation. No words. Just posts and comments via memes. Not sure it really works though.
The wages of cowardice.
Pretty much.
Narrator: ☠
The Washington Examiner is maybe the least reliable bit of drivel to cite as a source.
Maybe Musk has undue influence on this election: how do we expect to find that out in th current framework and situation we find ourselves in.
Keep in mind that the examiner exists mostly to stir the pot. Getting the left to take the same, unfounded conspiratorial approach to thinking would be right inline with their MO.
A depresso: 2 shots of espresso and a xanax
Happy Anniversary
I would fucking live to prepare that for you, but I’m utterly fucked in terms of my time right now. I took on a second job (technically a third, because I already had two full time commitments) to prepare to leave the country.
I’ll book mark this and do my best to get something together for you.
Oh jfc don’t. When you blow an election this hard you need to just go away.
Would you rather “be right”, in the sense of your rhetorical and applied framing, or have Harris win the election?
You have to pick. Because you won the argument on how to approach the issue, at least for period of almost all of the period of 2024 that mattered. The world agreed with you. Your world view was precisely how almost all talking heads on addressed the issue. That voters needed to get over it. That voters needed to “vote strategically”.
But it lost us the election. You won the round to lose the match. The hubris is you blaming anyone but yourself.
You have a choice. You can continue to “be right”, in your mind, about how to approach rhetoric and electoralism, but you will not win elections.
Alternatively, you can change your mind, and reproach your strategy in terms of what it takes to win elections, both in rhetoric and approach to electoralism.
You can’t have both. You have to decide.
No modern boycotts have been shown to be effective.
The last genuinely effective “boycott” was the bds movement focused on SA, which created real pressure.
BDS movements have been effective because they go well above and beyond boycotts, and in some ways, its easier to target “all” of a national economy than it is to single out singular companies. That action also took place in a world of reduced globalization.
More broadly we should all be considering the relevance of individual versus collective action. There was a real propaganda effort to drive peoples thinking to be focused on individual action as a means for creating social change. Be the change, recycling, changing your habits, etc. It shifted the focus from the responsibility being on those creating the damage to consumers, and it had a range of outcomes.
One of the most important is that individual action, while basically meaningless, acts as an analgesic towards further action. Its a way to create a sense of relief that something has been “done” while nothing meaningful has changed. If this psychological pain reliever prevents the escalation to the use of force or more extreme actions, its done its job to protect the system. There are very good reasons why the system accepts individual actions, are supported almost exclusively over collective or more extreme behavior.
The answer is obvious to anyone who can think.
I mean obviously not because you still haven’t caught on. Your argument, your approach to electoralism: Its why the Democrats lost. You “won” the argument from the period of January 2024 until November 2024. There are bans here, on lemmy, still in place from those who shared your view and used their power to silence challenging that strategy or narrative. Reddit too. It was ubiquitous across media.
The wages we earned on your behalf because of your complete arrogance and stupidity was Trump. And you are being singled out because you are here, but to be sure, you weren’t alone in this hubris. All of mainstream media, almost all but the truly “left of the left” media outlets who were willing to go against the grain and make the obvious case that it wasn’t working or going to work: All of them effectively espoused your strategy.
You (and they) wanted to the election to be something other than it was. And you were wrong, and if you were here, I and others probably told you that you were wrong. Some talking heads went onto mainstream media and told them they were wrong (Mehdi Hassan, Sam Seder, a few others). But you all didn’t fucking listen and insisted you could just “beat” the electorate into doing what you wanted, like some kind of whipped dog, while the candidate drifted further and further right, towards a non-existent center.
How many votes did you gather to vote for Harris with this approach, that you and effectively all of non-rightwing, mainstream media argued for?
Well we have the receipts. You cost us 6 million votes, or roughly 8% of Biden’s 2020 vote count. Pretty much the same number as the number of Democratic voters who voted “uncommitted” as part of the protest vote during the primary, because of Gaza.
You cost us core Democratic voters because you created the permission structure for the campaign to not feel the need to get support from their core Democratic base. You didn’t come at this base with rhetoric, you came at them with abuse.
You should feel fucking horrible if this was the way you conducted yourself during the 2024 election cycle, and we’ll be blaming BlueMAGA/ Blue-no-matter-who for Trumps victory until the end of time.
Interestingly, when I try and upload it as a png, lemmy doesn’t like it.
its a png with a transparent background of a finger pointing at a pregnancy test.
Not sure why its being blocked.