+1 for Avatar. Such a phenomenal cast of characters and world building. Korra got really weird but I still appreciate it.
No one compares You stand alone To every record I own Music to my heart That’s what you are A song that goes on and on
+1 for Avatar. Such a phenomenal cast of characters and world building. Korra got really weird but I still appreciate it.
Imagine the inverse. Some creature dressed up in people parts sneaking up on ya.
I enjoyed hidive’s dub selection more than the others.
I’d imagine it’s because it’s a hobby project for the admin. It can be a pita to keep on top of stuff like this.
Don’t bother with doing it manually. It’s a waste of time and money. Just look into generic cartridges.
Garbage article, cool find. Maybe one day I’ll get to see it
This reminds me of how my manager cringed when I made an official internal document that needed to be shared with clients using the shizuku version of crystal.
You forgot this beige box where the real magic happens.
You can turn it off, it’s just going to be a different character save and only people with it off can play.
My clients when they text me the server is down.
Even water!