I’m getting old, I don’t understand half the memes nowadays… Anyone care to ELI5?
I’m getting old, I don’t understand half the memes nowadays… Anyone care to ELI5?
Gotcha, thanks!
+1 for locate and updatedb. It works on macos too.
Because sometimes people want to share solutions that work for them. A clunky solution that you remember is better than the optimal solution you can’t access.
He also wanted three wishes, a unicorn and a flying pig.
“A few years from now” is longer than “last week”, so if that was his goal he didn’t do a great job.
Or maybe as the leader of a sovereign country he wasn’t willing to sign a deal where he gave something and got nothing in return (security guarantees).
Except they did…
Thanks! After skimming https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druze I still don’t get it. Seems they are a minority in Syria, despite their contributions to toppling al-Assad.
Thanks! Who’s the guy and what’s the flag, if you don’t mind me asking?
I don’t get any of this. I just know Netanjahu from the picture. What’s even the original meme?
Or sugar. Or gasoline. Or butter. Or meat. Or passports.
Yes, now there’s no war, just Israeli bombings and some ethnic cleansing. Much better.
Because pet rocks offer much more stable value, duh.
I don’t think stretching it to the whole width did it any good
Oh, no! Not Florida! Anyway…
In a normal company they could, but the board are all loyal to him, not the company. Recently they insisted in giving him a 50 BILLION bonus, yes, with B. No chance they will intervene. And putting a puppet CEO like at Twitter won’t have a strong effect either.
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I hope you like the swimming pool at trump hotel in Gaza.
Or use a precise title. It’s not a backdoor or a “backdoor”.