17a. Reject prompt to set up a pass key.
17a. Reject prompt to set up a pass key.
Go back in time and do something to prevent Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov from becoming the Executive Officer on the B-59 Soviet nuclear sub in October 1962. He’s the guy who talked the Captain and the Political Officer out of launching the nukes when they thought they were being attacked by the US Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. His persuasiveness is generally considered to have avoided WWIII from starting then.
Good article. Thanks for sharing it OP.
The LDS Church is a sex cult that got out of control. And a sex cult that specifically focused on exploiting and abusing girls no less. So this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
The leopards will be feasting when that day comes. Lots of SS-dependent conservative boomers voted for Trump.
I’m almost certain it will be gone completely within 5 years at this rate. If we’re lucky we might get a one time “I’ll give you n thousand dollars to fuck off” payment from the government. If we’re lucky.
I’ve been telling other Xers and Millennials this for the last several years. It’s still surprising to me how many of them still assume Social Security will be there to some significant degree when they retire. This is more of an Xers assumption, but also some Millennials still think this.
These images need more eyeliner.
Oh there’s plenty of blame to go around. Give a huge dollop to both of them.
Additionally, there’s are some pretty nice free plugins for Java Minecraft server (e.g. Deluge) that allow Bedrock users to play on it too - from a PC, Xbox, PlayStation, phone, or whatever.
Newsom has always been a shallow chameleon populist who’s main goal was to accumulate more power and influence.
Now that he’s achieved his aim of two terms as governor of California, he’s set his sights on the next level up: the Presidency. But he knows to stand even a chance of becoming the Dem nominee that he needs to move to the right quite a lot so he can be even considered by the more conservative rural Midwest. Turning against trans rights is low hanging fruit when it comes to that.
The stupid thing is that regardless, most independents and even moderate conservatives will never accept him. His legacy as the firebrand liberal from San Francisco is forever on him.
But still he’s trying, because he’s self-centered and callous. And in the process of failing in this new goal he’s revealed to anyone not already aware that he’s a fraud. And he’s hurting lots of incident people in the process.
Only way I can think of would be to purchase a burner phone.
I’m surprised his email account username is that banal. I’d have thought it would be something fucking stupid like “sigmaleetbro420”.
“This federal administration is making hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing residents afraid to live their lives,” Wu said. “A city that’s scared is not a city that’s safe, a land ruled by fear is not the land of the free.”
Yeah, that’s beautifully put.
I hope those who are able to tell them to fuck off.
Swasticars for a fascist government. Makes sense.
You weren’t kidding.
I know they are talking about moderation. But it’s hard to see them not pushing AI out into other areas of their ecosystem. Especially when they will be struggling for users from the start, and thus they will struggle for content.