Lidarr, Jellyfin, and Music Assistant
Lidarr, Jellyfin, and Music Assistant
I brows Lemmy by all and then I filter out the communities I don’t want to see. This lets me see the new communities that pop up and decided if I want to sub to them. I have around 300 blocked.
makes people in other countries think they will step off the plane into a shootout.
They should probably not be stepping off a plane into the US right now anyways. It’s not safe for non USians to visit.
Hold on, the USA just fired the EPA, let’s not get any hopes up.
Maybe even suspicious
Patsy, Fall guy, rube
So you are saying a Gay dropped the atomic bomb and won the war? Holy shit no wonder they want it wiped from history, they hate the gays.
Yes such a shame
Trump just wants to paint the world red
Bizarro Starfleet
Other countries should put trump, JD, and felon on a travel ban. That will really get under their skin especially if they have businesses there.
PETG is picky about layer heights and speed.
Thick and slow for PETG. I usually double my layer height vs what I would print in PLA. With my .6 nozzle I print with .3 layer and cut my speed down to 50% for the first layer. Since you said it happens mid print you might be printing too fast for the first few layers and it is getting too high because the layer is not cooling enough and it starts curling. You can also try reducing flow if your nozzle is worn and it’s allowing more plastic than the sclicer expects which will cause too high layers and scraping.
Oh and it sounds like it’s too hot too. 80° bed in a enclosure could cause the chamber to get too hot and not allow the layers to cool fast enough and so you will see curling while printing. Lower the bed to 40-50 and monitor chamber temps. Maybe open the doors a crack. You only need an enclosure for PETG if the room is drafty.
Equal opportunity employer?
All federal agencies are covered by the laws enforced by EEOC.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces Federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. These laws protect employees and job applicants against employment discrimination when it involves:
Roads that actively try to kill you.
The image would make a great clock face with the hand as the hour. Oh look it’s about Nein O’clock. And by great clock I mean really fucking stupid
You really should, it’s the best of all the JP movies. If you can look past the bad fake scientific and technology dumbing down movie magic.
But not the onion:
Republicans’ worst fears have come to light as a drug addicted, crime peddling immigrant with 14 children has attempted to steal or destroy thousands of American Jobs.
I buy a 5 gallon bucket of honey once every 6ish years. It’s one of the only sweeteners my wife can have so we use it in everything that needs a sweeter taste. I fill small 20oz jars with it and seal the bucket back up. It’s a good investment because you can get it much much cheaper. I buy mine from Sleeping bear farms in Michigan.
They should dump it in lake Superior or the ocean too, and really send a message. Call it the Canadian Cocktail Party
It’s not the phones causing disrupted learning it’s the funding to pay teachers to give a damn.