If that’s what you consider useful curiosity…then im the one worried for “average” people
If that’s what you consider useful curiosity…then im the one worried for “average” people
Woah man you’re, like, blowing my mind here
…how do you know what earwax tastes like
Dude my van has been breaking a ton of websites lately. I had to turn it off to check the tracking on a package from USPS yesterday. Any time a website is sending me to a broken page, I turn off my vpn and it works immediately.
I was going to ask because I’m somewhat new to vpns, but I just assumed it was one hassle for privacy. Is this a new occurrence?
Yeah, Orwell, the man who went to spain to fight fascism alongside the anarchists and the socialists was not writing a warning about socialism.
Are you all too young to remember this already being a thing middle class white kids were already doing a couple decades ago?
Not that long ago, a shocking number of MED STUDENTS (close to 50%. No joke.) thought that people with black skin had fewer nerve endings/felt less pain.
Right? One week of not buying things from Amazon is fucking nothing. They’ve proven over and over that they’re evil and should be boycotted. Do people seriously buy something every week from Amazon? That’s like addiction shit.
Just stop buying from Amazon. I reached that tipping point like twelve horrific things ago. If you’re still using it, you’re just kind of a bad person with zero self control.