This American supports European boycotts to the fair-thee-well. We’ll suffer, but it’s worth it.
This American supports European boycotts to the fair-thee-well. We’ll suffer, but it’s worth it.
You’re talking about hundreds of games that were written by people years ago and would have to be recoded to play on Linux natively. I fail to see how that’s GOG’s mission.
Thanks my friend _ I didn’t even realize. Thanks for letting me know and idk who’d downvote you, but I hope they touch some grass today. <3
GOG is eeking out a living on old games, trying to preserve them. Steam makes billions of dollars. I think it’s unfair to expect that from them, don’t you? The fact that Heroic is supported on Linux and can use Steam Proton is huge. GOG still gives you the installers. Do you want them to make every single old game compatible with Linux as well?
Seems Firefly Aerospace has got this all sorted, though. Amazing feat for them last week to have a flawless landing.