So they’ll crash into each other in the end
Pressing skip
So they’ll crash into each other in the end
It used to be TV, controlled by governments (either “good” or “bad” governments), now it’s “asocial” networks that make you think what they want.
There used to be a “you decide what to do” internet, that was literally assaulted by big corp which are almost the new governments now.
They’re all golf players wannabe.
And it’s always greener than your neibours one
An unmodified Samsung Galaxy S22 smartphone.
LTE 4G. A game changer.
You should extend the samples to other categories like the nerd, the musician, the researcher, the mathematicians, the granmothers, … 👏👏👏
A single gateway can serve the entire UK???
Italy is a bit bipolar ATM. Meloni is almost in love with Trump (same political view) but at the same time they’re proud to sell their weapons to Ukraine.
I only see rotten brains all around.
They should offer fydeOS too