Maybe it’ll prompt a copy-cat to what’s being implied, and we’ll get the headline we’ve all been waiting for.
Maybe it’ll prompt a copy-cat to what’s being implied, and we’ll get the headline we’ve all been waiting for.
The nation could benefit from some childhood trauma right about now.
May be a good time to draw some inspiration from Ukraine’s use of drones.
But it’s good that they’re dead - gotta cling to that silver lining!
My wife, and a personal code of ethics.
Everything else lands somewhere between “trust but verify” and “it/they will kill me and everything I love the second I let my guard down”.
I use duck duck go, it does the trick 99% of the time, especially if you use extensions to remove specified websites - like Pinterest - from the results.
Trump’s goal is to weaken the US by severing the relationship we’ve built with our allies. He doesn’t give a shit about acquiring Canada, but if he can use that premise as means of pissing them off, that’s what he’ll do.
Donald Trump is a domestic enemy to the United States and its constitution.
But sleep is the best part of this dumpster-fire of a reality.
Any song that just repeats the same shit on loop for the entire duration.
For example “Say” by John Mayer just says “say what you need to say” 42 times then it doesn’t even have an actual ending, just fades out. It’s definitely not the only song that follows this model.
Music by nature has some degree of repetition, but jfc make more than just two measures before you publish it as a song.
Naw, that guy’s a fraud, too.
If we’re going full sci-fi, I want to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, then go STRAIGHT to REM. …and actually stay asleep long enough for any of that to mean jack.
Jealous of your hot water capacity. Take a shower at my apt, and it’s on a 1 hr cooldown after that, or you’re taking a cold one.
The US isn’t sending their best.
Kinda redundant.
Naw, Inglorious Basterds makes a pretty strong case for branding the fuckers.
I’ve also noticed there’s a disconnect in people who act like Nazis in actually recognizing their own actions as such. Show them a swastika or something blatant like that and their knee-jerk is to see it as adversarial, but they don’t connect the dots between Nazism and figures like Elon Musk - to the contrary, they fucking love that evil piece of shit.
Forcing them to draw that connection by marking Musk’s products with Nazi iconography may finally fire off that neglected single neuron in charge of introspection: and that would be therapeutic for everyone.
Honestly just a sheet of coarse grit sandpaper would do the trick. Would take all of about three seconds to scratch a big ol swastika on the back of a swasticar.
…it’s like the automotive version of carving a swastika onto the foreheads of the Nazis in Inglorious Basterds, lol.
I pray someone or some group finally takes off all kiddie gloves and gives trump (and thereby me and others in the country as collateral) a divine smackdown
I pre-ordered No Man’s Sky -_-
Now, they’ve done WAY more than any of us thought to make things right; but at the time of release, NMS was probably the single most egregious example of false advertising to hit the gaming industry, ever. Or at least within a comparable scope of visibility to the gaming community.
It wasn’t just not living up to the hype; it was purchasing a brand new Lamborghini, and receiving 2003 Honda Civic.
And no they didn’t just bite off more than they could chew - they knew what they had created; and proceeded to show demos and make promises that amounted to a completely different product. We were scammed.
…and then I guess their conscious got the better of them, cuz rather than disbanding their studio and laughing all the way to the bank like we all expected them to, they spent years at least trying to make look like the product they promised. So, credit where it’s due. But still lesson learned: never preorder a game, no matter how good the demos looks, no matter how charming their spokespeople are, no matter how closely the product they’re pitching aligns with your specific niche interests: assume it’s all complete bullshit until you’ve seen some gameplay posted by real people.
I’m a patient at the VA and half the dipshits waiting for an appointment there are still wearing their red MAGA klan hoods.
I don’t fucking get it. I was active duty during his first term, and he fucked us over every chance he got.
Anyone who served and supports Trump is a special kind of stupid beyond the standard Trumpanzee idiot.