Living the dream
Living the dream
Does sux when you cant afford to stick to your principles.
Stub toe risk must be higher than normal.
How bad?
Ever see the south park episode on that?
The “Rules of Acquisition” from state that “War is good for business” (Rule 34).
Don’t search rule 34 for details.
This is actually what causes green plumbers causes now you have nothing left to lose.
Gives me feeling of burning the sickness out!
Well i certainly know i do now.
They have a Gundam!
American rapper says that Elon’s ex-wife Grimes told her that Elon has a botched penis implant.
Rofl I thought he couldn’t touch a women without getting hives or something. This is karma level stuff if true.
Kill 1 person its a tragedy, Kill 10000 its a statistic.
I can’t throw the cart into the corral and see if I can make them stick together inside the store.
Knew 2 guys that just hated Trans ppl more than anything
Capitalism turning people to veganism like it did tiny homes
Nurgle cultist. May measles spread and give new life from the dead and rotten.
Same thing as the willi Wonka prequel.
Sounds like time to nationalize
If their was better public funding 4 schools then ppl would be more edumacated or stronger dept. of education.
Side note: Im not educated to make more Grammer mistakes in the above and still be coherent.
I need to make a meme with how we thought nurgle followers look versus what they actually look like. The fact he has a brain worm really lines up.