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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • The problems with mass shootings are stem from psychological problems. These problem stem from a culture that normalized posting photos on facebook posing with firearms. The point of these posts is to appear intimidating which associates firearms with power over others. This puts people that engage in this behavior one bad day from going on a killing spree.

    So firearms need to be regulated similarly to tobacco. We don’t want tacticool firearms for people to pose with on facebook, which starts them down a dark path. Ideally firearms should be lame looking, and not have the capability of killing large numbers of people. Many weapons aren’t suitable for hunting, but pose a significant danger if used for killing sprees have been banned.

    We aren’t Americans and we consider the rights of everyone, not just the rights of people that want to have guns to intimidate others on facebook, which is a sign of psychological problem, and have had demonstrated horrible results.

    And yeah, guns get across the border. This is also illegal, so not sure why you’re trying to make a point about it being somehow hypocritical to have both owning weapons suited for mass killings be illegal while smuggling guns is also illegal.

    If you don’t like it, go move to the US and have your kids go to schools where they need to do mass shooting drills. I don’t want to live that way in Canada for the sake of your hobbies.

  • The fact that our leadership created the conditions for or allowed to worsen our over-reliance on a single trading partner doesn’t speak much to the levels of competence we should expect out of Ottawa.

    The opposite, really. Countries that trade with each other tend not to go to war with each other. Strong trade relations make wars very expensive. Before invading Canada the US will need to reduce it’s trade with us, or a war could result in an economic collapse of the US. Trump is right now finding out how expensive it is to the US to even do tariffs. A war would be a whole other level of expensive for the US.

    That being said, the US has extremely unstable leadership right now. A war would be stupid, but then so are tariffs, so we can’t predict the depths of stupidity the US will sink to. But any country in the world could fall to fascism, so what can we do? I guess never trade with anyone? Become more likely to be attacked by rational actors because of fear of irrational actors?

  • Yeah it’s like 10%

    The CBC interviewed one of these people and that guy was basically only cared about money and though paying lower taxes would be better. Probably didn’t factor in paying more money for health insurance.

    But there was a guy nearby out walking his dog. When told what the interview was about he said “Is that what that rock over there is for? So we can throw it at him?”

    I think it’s just terminally online people that are greedy as fuck. But there isn’t much risk of that 10% taking us over. If anything, they’re the ones taking a risk if they express their collaborator bullshit publicly. 10% with soft support vs. 90% that are absolutely against everything they’re about.

  • I used react.dev to change all of my posts to say “[date] As per the legal owner of this account, Reddit and associated companies no longer have permission to use the content created under this account in any way.”

    I figured it sounds like something a lawyer would tell me to put. Just checked and my old posts still say that.

    Though interestingly there was a silly fan theory I posted there that some shit entertainment media sites linked to and when I first changed the posts those sites were displaying that message. I’ve checked again and somehow they have the text from my post on there now. So that’s pretty weird.

  • I’m not a law talking guy, but from my understanding of it, downloading isn’t illegal. But if you’re torrenting it, you’re uploading bits of it to others while you’re downloading. That would be distributing it to others, so that’s copyright infringement.

    So if you could find a way to download something without uploading anything, you’d be fine. Kinda like if someone uploads copyright infringing material to youtube. You’re not going to get into hot water for watching that video, but the person who uploaded is.

  • Yeah but the goal of that Ketchup War wasn’t to boycott the US, just to ensure that ketchup was being produced in Canada. And it was successful as Heinz was forced to open a new plant in Canada.

    Now I just get the store brand Ketchup (seems good enough to me, it’s likely made in the same plant as French’s) so I think the US is completely out from my Ketchup purchases. Though I’m not sure who owns that plant (it’s not French’s they just have a contract with that plant to make it for them) but the point is to reduce the amount of money going to the US as much as possible, and that’ll do it.

  • This isn’t a Hollywood movie where one passionate speech or oen big act will make everyone start with a slow clap leading to a thunderous applause and a big happy ending.

    The problem is people believe the lies of republicans because they’ve been on that team for their whole lives. Some big gesture by a democratic party isn’t going to change their minds because the republicans they’ve trusted their whole lives will just say “they just did that because they’re evil commies that hate our great President Trump” and that’ll be the end of it. Or more likely, they won’t see it at all.

    The only way America can change is for people to talk to their family members and get them out of this cult. Or if they’re a casual Trump supporter, just talk about the things that are happening so they’re better informed about what’s going on. I know that involves having extremely awkward conversations, maybe involving being the adult in a covnersation with one’s parents, which is never easy. But people need to hear about politics from someone they trust, and it’s not going to be the democrats because people have been conditioned not to trust them.

    People who voted for Trump will either not see anything Democrats say or not believe it if they do.

  • Are you suggesting that CAF fighting against US air power with our own air power has a chance of success?

    The only interest the Trump regime has is monetary. Drones and missiles would inflict damage to the US, and if we keep their locations secret we’d have second strike capability. To achieve deterrence we’d only need to have the capability of inflicting enough damage to the US economy to cost the ruling oligarchy enough money to not be worthwhile to them.

    The only immediate threat to Canada is the US right now. Europe won’t have a fifth gen fighter for quite some time, we’d obviously get cut off from parts for F-35s if there were a conflict with the US. We’ll need time recruit more people into the military to operate any plane and time to train them. We can start buying and producing drones in a much shorter time frame, which is critical given the pace Trump is betraying US allies.