* othervise
common mistake
* othervise
common mistake
That’s what sleep paralysis is - you’re conscious and you’re still receiving input from your senses, but you’re also technically sleeping - having “dreams” (= allucinations) and your body refusing to move (as is expected from someone fully asleep).
Unlike the OOP, you can’t walk down the hallway then realize you’re dreaming - SP hits you like a truck, with you being relatively aware of your surroundings (plus eventual eldritch horror peeking behind the door).
… a tip that works for me: if/when you want to force your way out of SP, move your fingers or toes; when you think you did it and you feel like you’re out, keep doing it for a few seconds because no you ain’t.
(obviously, your mileage may vary)
when there exist no alternatives for a large majority of people and their lives
I think their point is that there should be viable alternatives.
Nah, sleep paralysis keeps you fully aware of your lack of motion, anon was walking in the dream
To be fair, considering how many times he’s been killed he has to be dead by now
Can I use .3 as some sort of short-range contiguous Alcubierre drive, by using it repeatedly very fast?