You’re making very valid points. I can’t deny that.
I just think it’s a waste of energy lashing out at maggots. They’re tools, but not the true enemy. I won’t cry if they become coIIateral dam age though.
That is the sad truth.
The shit looks depressing. How does that stroke one’s ego?
I wild rather the left and right fight their common enemy. We can go back to bickering with each other after the dust settles.
That’s the point that I thought was obvious. Everyone else seems to be focusing on other factors…
Nope, but it’s a good supplement to the fediverse. The rules are different over there. Some better, some worse. By getting your information through multiple diverse sources you’ll have a better understanding of what’s going on in the world.
Or you can be like this when shit starts effecting you personally,
Please everyone, get your asses on rednote. It’s not perfect but it’s not (currently) under control by the US oligarchy.
ETA: Are the downvotes racism or what? OP’s message that the US is controlling your media has 600+ upvotes. I offer an alternative source and people don’t want it? I’m genuinely confused.
I was surprised too! I guess Canadians hold up to their reputation 🙂👍
He’s still got the support of the entire rest of the world outside of facist USA and Russia.
Photo from London March 2nd 2025.
Vote when? In another four years?
Ain’t nobody got time for that!
Stop looking left and right and start looking up and down. This is a class war! The rest is distraction to divide us.
Boomers gonna boomer. I feel like the younger generations are all on board with the mushroom kingdom.
Developed high speed rail since 2008 in China vs the US:
You know, the usual…
Agreed. This likely has nothing to do with anything. If it did the headline would be vastly different and there would be people singing in the streets.