Oh, do tell, if you don’t mind me asking which Lands you’re speaking of? Monaco? Indonesia…?
Oh, do tell, if you don’t mind me asking which Lands you’re speaking of? Monaco? Indonesia…?
Is that a joke or something that you’ve read somewhere? Hilarious either way, but I am not searching the web for “Elon Musk penis enlargement” 😅😂
Relevant song (find it on your preferred streaming service of whatever): https://genius.com/Three-dead-trolls-in-a-baggie-the-white-house-burned-the-war-of-1812-lyrics
And the White House burned, burned, burned
And we’re the one’s that did it!
It burned, burned, burned
While the president ran and cried
It burned, burned, burned
And things were very historical
And the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies
Waa waa waah!
In the War of 1812!
Everybody loves Canada. We’ll be cheering you on if you do it again for the lulz 🤣 (until the nukes start flying and the world ends, anyway) But if you want to do something a bit less incendiary, DJI drones aren’t geofenced anymore so maybe dropping a nice Canadian flag 🇨🇦 on top of the white house would make a clear point, with clear historical precedent!
(Sigh. Please come back to your senses soon, USA.)
If it’s any comfort, many of us Brits felt just as bitterly betrayed that slightly over half of our voters decided to vote for something so obviously stupid - and 28% just didn’t bother to vote at all.
Britain will always be European 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇬🇧🇪🇺 We stand with our continental brothers and sisters against tyranny and for democracy 💪 Together!!
(Much love to 🇵🇱 - Polish RAF pilots were heroes in the Battle of Britain and the bomba kryptologiczna turned the course of the war. Our nations are bound together in blood and freedom. May we never forget.)
And next you’ll say that genetically-modified ears aren’t enough to make catgirls real either 😩
Can we let this one go? Not for science, not for accuracy, but for the prospect of having catgirls in our lifetimes, at least?
Don’t let me harsh your vibe here, but are you sure about the moon thing? https://www.iflscience.com/the-internet-appears-to-believe-elephants-worship-the-moon-58666
I’m down with chihuahua-sized elephants, though, don’t get me wrong here.
I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
Savage bantz, truly the thing that binds Europe together 😆