“Kung Pow”
“Kung Pow”
What if I’m little in the middle but I got much back? ):
Trash follows him wherever he goes.
Lemmy is not an indicator of intelligence, nor would I use it as a benchmark.
But it’s a good start to better options.
Hello it’s me ur friend I’m coming over for dinner
There is no line for me.
I’m incredibly fragile and seeing people I care about be hurt by all this hurts me incredibly much.
I’m now avoiding the news and doing my best to instead be a positive influence, help where I am able, offer support, donate what I can, etc.
I refuse to let evil fucking idiots steal my joy.
—sees a woman in a game store—
“Ummmm is she lost?” —scoff—
—laugh track plays—
Unironically actually in the show.
Gave birth.
My son just called it “the tittieverse” and now I hate ALL of you.
…is bread mold harmful to eat?
EDIT: Still have not gotten a wholly confirmed answer lol
This happened to me with this same company, but with 500 cockroaches!!!
And it didn’t actually happen to me… it actually happened to my post office. But my local hub called to let me know that my package had been damaged in transit and was undeliverable. I was like “UH OH”
They gave me the WORST treatment every time I went in there to mail stuff out after that. Stopped going there for nearly 2 years until they stopped being mad. LOL Went across town to avoid them.
I know it wasn’t my fault and it was the company, but I understand why they were pissed.
From then on, I messaged insect sellers to request they securely bag / contain the bugs so I won’t be blacklisted from my local hub. They typically get a kick out of the story and my bugs have been securely packaged ever since!
I didn’t do this. I voted for the less evil of the parties, I advocate for the handicapped and disabled, I support LGBTQ+ rights, I give resources to those who can’t afford healthcare or houses. I did what I fucking could.
This is like blaming the individual for pollution. Who’s contributing the most to pollution?
It sucks. It sucks so fucking hard. But we need to keep going and not cease our efforts in the face of despair.
I’m doing what I can. That’s what I can do, and that’s what I will do.