If you dare speak on how the Tree of Liberty needs watering with the blood of patriots and tyrants, you get auto-banned. Reddit has been a fascist in sheep’s skin for at least a decade.
If you dare speak on how the Tree of Liberty needs watering with the blood of patriots and tyrants, you get auto-banned. Reddit has been a fascist in sheep’s skin for at least a decade.
My explanation is simpler: “The body learns how to fight diseases by eating killed viruses. A vaccine gives you dead viruses, so your body can learn without having to get hurt first. A measles party uses living viruses, so your kid might suffer death or worse.”
Then show them the results.
Probably not accurate in detail, but hopefully good enough. If not, then the brevity will let you move onto someone who hasn’t abandoned their brain.
I don’t mind AI. It is simply a reflection of whoever is in charge of it. Unfortunately, we have monsters who direct humans and AI alike to commit atrocities.
We need to get rid of the demons, else humanity as a whole will continue to suffer.
Anywhere the rich gets to have their privilege, inevitably shits the pool.
It is my hope to see a 2nd Constitution, designed to engineer excessive wealth out of existence. It has become clear that too much money drives people insane.
Good. People who love each other, should be able to spend time together.
Reddit is going heavy on censoring the thought of protest. For example, I suggested throwing rotten fruit, eggs, and using a megaphone to bother JD Vance at his residence. Because, bluntly, ‘polite’ protest misses the whole bloody point of protest. It is all about making the people in power feel uncomfortable, and to warn them if they keep it up, people will open the 4th box.
I got banned, which will end in three days. But more importantly, it has convinced me: Reddit is controlled by those who don’t understand nor value the 1st Amendment, and why it is crucial for preventing the 2nd Amendment from being exercised.
While it sucks to harass people, the alternative if things progress further is much worse.
This is why we have trained leopards.
This is what their Privacy Pass extension is for. Once it verifies you as an user, it doles out a bunch of generic “arcade tokens”, which don’t have any identifying information. You lose Kagi’s personalization features while using them, but your searches aren’t tied to any account beyond just “Kagi”, so you and everybody else using the privacy extension are the same person.
At least, as I understand it.
Ah, finally a resource that Trump and Musk is fully willing to remove their tariffs for!
Talk eventually becomes action, if there is enough of it. By people agreeing with each other, they eventually normalize a thought. It could be something mundane like “this drawn girl is cute”, and eventually snowball into “Last night’s Hatsune Miku concert was rad, met twenty other cosplayers!”
Let people talk. It how communities become real.
Always have been.
My rule: If I can’t easily write nor remember a daily password, it is crap. My strong passwords are kept in a offline password manager, which has a relatively weak master password in the vein of “R!seaboveit@ll”. Not ideal, but at least a human can type it.
The real danger is going to be websites leaking or sharing the individual password it is given. So long as no one knows your (offline) manager’s pass, the threat can be cordoned off. Unfortunately, we can expect the integration of AI into OS ecosystems to make that method vulnerable. Say, for example, Microsoft’s Copilot or Google’s Android.
Thank you. I just printed out a PDF of your written list. Here’s hoping it finds it way into the court of a future Nuremberg trial.
Not a failure. The whole point of R&D before doing a genuine payload is to remove this sort of issue. While the association of the company with Musk is truly crappy, this explosion is genuinely useful.
If this project were European or under a different administration, I would feel the same.
You work with what you have, not what you want. Greenland has fish, minerals, and a strategic position. Minerals is probably the best bet, because everyone needs the stuff, so you get to pick who you trade with.
I hope furry LGBT+ hackers already exfiltrated whatever was to be found, and are waiting to release when the FOIA is rejected or falsified.
I think Europe or Canada should make EVs, and Greenland being given incentives to tap into their minerals to feed the materials necessary for the project. Greenland gets closer to independence, and whoever makes the cars gets to piss on Musk. Win-win, no need for the risk of CCP becoming too influential within democratic governments.
…While trade is a good thing, I think that maintaining at least a moderate level of manufacturing industry and sciences within your nation or cultural sphere to be very important. Just in case things get weird, like how 2025 has been.
3D-printed by you, or ordered? If I can buy this off Amazon, I wouldn’t mind adding it to my discretionary spending.
I hope California, blue states, and Europe all bankroll this into an official Neo-CDC, free of Yarvin’s hatred and stupidity.
If you talk about the Founding Fathers, specifically regarding treatises on violence. The Tree of Liberty was an autoban for at least a decade now.