• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • My issue wasn’t so much if it managed to run and more of “I don’t want this change to have happened here” kind of thing, still that’s a neat tool! I wish I could use it, but the codebase I’m working on is in such a hugely sorry state, no testing suite set up is the last of the many problems that most likely won’t be solved because they’re not “important enough”, not like features (built with cardboard and duct tape), yeah we can’t allocate much time at all to code quality and general work for the project infrastructure if we can call it that.
    About the generic advice of making smaller rebases one by one, yes, I’ll learn to do that, I also solved it like that in the end

  • Really cool, I’ll give jj a try sometime, thanks for bringing it to my attention!
    As for the rebase I’ll try in a toy repo, if it works as expected it would be great, this time I ended up aborting and starting over, then doing several rebases on the same range of commits to eventually get to the result I wanted without having to fear losing/breaking something or caving due to the cognitive load of managing many commits at a time

  • You could abort the rebase, then move back to the commit you want to using the reflog and remove the entries you skipped from the rebase todo.

    Would this bring me back to the rebasing process so I don’t lose the progress?

    Interesting mention of jj, never heard of it before! It says it can use Git as backend, so that means I could do these kinds of operations easily without stringing several commands together on the repositories I’m already working on without changing them?

  • Used to, but now that I realise what the real hell is, i.e. collaboration with others who might (and will) have different ideas about how code should be formatted, I’d rather leave that job to an autoformatter, too much mental overhead for little gain when there’s a tool that can enforce a single style across the whole codebase with a simple command, or better yet, a git hook. If anyone complains I can point to the tool and say “sorry, take it up with it, not me”