Haven’t seen anyone mention Cinema Paradiso or The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Both are wildly different. Ennio Morricone is a genius.
There’s also The Incredibles - Michael Giacchino
The Greatest Showman - Various Artists
Saving Private Ryan - John Williams
The Prince of Egypt - Hans Zimmer
The Gospel of John - Jeff Dann (great middle eastern vibe)
Right, it’s the intent and context of the word that could be offensive, not the word itself. Using substitutes doesn’t change how you’re conveying your emotions.
Besides, OP, do you think Jesus wasn’t swearing when he was overturning the money changers tables in the tabernacle? He was clearly PISSED. He was definitely rebuking them, same difference.
Swearing isn’t sinful, it’s what you’re cursing/being hateful about that could be.
Now, if you’re intentionally not swearing due to a personal choice or by virtue of being intentionally different to not be like the culture you’re in then that’s different.