Beauty is in the eye of the redbullholder
I’m a Streamer and Software Dev in Liverpool, UK.
Stop by if you fancy a chat or whatever,
Beauty is in the eye of the redbullholder
I just started playing a few days ago and was disappointed to see cycle lanes not in there and only just found paths hidden away.
I just want to say kudos for the picture. It would have been easy to write this without it, but with it 🤌🏻
AA mines. Spectacular.
Not sure they meant taking the fluids out of the container, friend
It’ll die like a nazi
Not to mention that water molecules are very transitory and break apart and reform all the time.
We are all stardust though.
Breast tissue gets more swollen in microgravity because there’s less down in your legs.
🤷 I’m a big space and boobs fan.
The chocolate buttplug