I am a 40 year old traveling nurses who is a lesbian
I grew up to hate bullies and this just reminds me of bullying. Not saying US is the better country or anything. But really want to have a shirt printed up that says I side with Canada. I prolly get killed since im stationed in the deep south at the moment. But would be worth it.
Hey now dem dur fittin wirds. anna take it oot back? I didn’t vote for that orange piece of shit. I saw this coming from a mile away it just kind of seems like if cartels are in Canada then its the US that needs to be fixed instead of Canada dealing with a problem we pretty much created a market for them to grow.
Not tooting my own horn here. So your saying as myself being an RN to want to help people that all the people I have helped doesn’t mean jack shit? Not looking for a fight just generally curious.
I personally think the whole Fent stuff is bs. Like cops od’ing if they even touch the pill with barehands and shit. If that was the case then the people who have trouble swallowing pills who take Fent we should just tell them just hold it in your hand for a little bit. I have literally been putting pills in a bottle and drop one on our medical plate pick it up with barehands and toss it in the bottle. Never got high or even a buzz.
But wouldn’t the kind of take the long way around from the Atlantic to the Pacific?