Does anyone know where it is that we can find these new commands? I have an esp32 dev kit just a few feet away from me as i read this. It might be interesting to know what these new product “features” are.
Does anyone know where it is that we can find these new commands? I have an esp32 dev kit just a few feet away from me as i read this. It might be interesting to know what these new product “features” are.
oh, man I was there for the first time ever just two weeks ago. I wanted to stop at a boutique liquor store I had found listed online. I was shocked to see the number of abandoned/dilapidated structures. The liquor store actually happened to be located in a newish out-building on the same lot of one of these abandoned mansions. The store was very nice as was the staff, but I was left with a lot of questions that were all pretty-much answered when I read online that Birmingham is also known as The Pittsburgh of the South.
Harris didn’t even get 1/2 of 1% of the popular vote in either of the two states she primaried in for 2020. Still she somehow became the VP and eventually the presumptive presidential nominee of 2024.
I feel like this is worth reminding people.
but if they do that, it’s harder for them to put their fingers on the scales of the candidate they want.
What are you gonna do, let the other guy win?
“Amazon bought Barnes&Noble ages ago;”
I think you’re thinking of Borders, Barnes & Noble’s long bankrupt competitor. Barnes & Noble got bought by a private buyer from the UK a few years ago when they started circling the drain. I wouldn’t recommend the Nook ereading platform, though. I’ve had three of the products since they first launched, and they are buggy. -Add to that supporting the ereading platform has never been a high priority especially when the company was struggling, also their free ebook selection went from low-quality, low-selection to nonexistant.
Long story short I’ve been considering a Kobo ereader as my next ereader over another nook product for a while now.
“…Do people seriously buy something every week from Amazon?”
Yes. I have one family member with an amazon affiliated credit card and when it’s combined with prime… Anyways, multiple family members use that account to make orders from. This includes ordering cases of softdrinks ever 2-3 weeks.
“Afterglow” - That’s a term I’ve been searching for, for the past 4-1/2 years now. I’ve been trying to describe the day after a mushroom trip. Thanks.
Phillip Kindred Dick(aka PKD), an influential american scifi Novelist and avid user of psychadelics among other things. His novels are used as the basis of such movies as Blade Runner, Total Recall, Screamers, The Adjustment Bureau, Minority Report, The Mini-series The Man in The High Castle, and most relevant to this conversation -A Scanner Darkly.
The film A Scanner Darkly centers around a Parole Officer who actively becomes addicted to a new drug while living in a surveillance society. The addiction ultimately results in his permanent impairment and incarceration in a work camp where he is made to farm the same drug he was previously addicted to.
I have not read the book. Unfortunately I’ve found PKD writing style to be challenging to get through, but i’ve always loved his sense of imagination. A Scanner Darkly is a good animated film starring Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Junior, Woody Harrelson, and Winona Ryder and I strongly recommend it.
RFK just stole that plan from PKD.
Here’s to hoping we still have the physical ability to engage with those hobbies and interests.
like so many others…
called it!
Disc-rot. -It happens but it’s not as common as its made out to be. In my collection it’s only occured in 2 out of 500+ discs.
apparently xbox 360 discs were particularly susceptible.