And then of course after checking the alarm you find yourself back on Lemmy…
And then of course after checking the alarm you find yourself back on Lemmy…
In fact, the only thing that works is refusing to be bullied. Look at the tariffs.
Well duh, when He was learning to drive His dad’s furniture truck, the oxen did most of the work and the speed limit was 3.
Perhaps it’s translated from another language. The whole thing seems a little stilted, so maybe.
Even in today’s political climate I’m pretty sure the State of California will still be able to make your payments over 30 years. If you didn’t spend it on anything else, you could make a start on that grocery chain. You’d probably learn a lot in the first few years, some expensive lessons. But having started small, you could put the next payments towards putting those lessons to work as you expand. Meanwhile, you’re not investing any attention or risk into those funds. But you do hypothetical you!
Editing to add, the guy who actually won might be able to do some real good in his own neighborhood, which had that big wildfire.
Anything a store gives you “free” (as Anon says Papa John’s garlic) has already been priced in.
I worked in a gift shop, we did “free” gift wrapping and it was beautiful. But the cost of boxes, rolls of ribbon and reams of tissue paper were factored into our markup throughout the store. We had really nice things, so a lot of our customers would come in for a gift and spend as much or more on items for themselves, which just needed to be bagged. Maybe bubble wrap for the trip home, but that was reused from things shipped to us. So we made extra profit, while also giving them and their friends ideas for their next gift. Wealthy people, so they didn’t care.
He wants violence as an excuse for declaring Martial Law and a hold on elections.
Ominous. Looks like the ☄️ might miss the 🐇 but take out the 🔭.
Nobody likes a cheater.
I’m surprised the article talks about owls as if they’re all the same. I would think the symbolism of a barn owl would be quite different from that of a burrowing owl, for instance.
Who’s gonna sign up for this anyway, under that weaseler? You’d wind up getting fired at year 9, if not before, because he’d cut whatever public service program you were in.
OMG we’re moongazing
(Actually I mostly moongaze because between the local light pollution and my astigmatism I can barely see any stars. Venus of course but she doesn’t count, she’s a planet.)
Oogh, hope you called home and told them to lock the dog door before you came back
Yeah the jobs report only has the first 10,000 or so, iirc
It’s a specific procedure for a specific symptom where the disease harmed the olfactory area in particular. COVID can harm a lot of areas in different people and so far nobody has come up with a way to reboot all of them at once. In the meantime, research that focuses on individual areas can mitigate the misery. This surgery will help a significant number of people, giving them the normal safety against poisoning and a source of joy they had been robbed. Might even give them the hope they need not to choose death before other treatments get developed.
Employment numbers just came out but of course they’re behind the times already.
I get your point, but maybe the shelves are more like big cliff-sided mountainous isles. Think Dover or Gibraltar.
For the metaphor, not the grammar of course.
I would totally agree that, for example, I would go to Aisle 4 for bread. And the sign saying 4 would indicate the shelves, not the aisle where I’m standing.
You probably don’t like s’mores, either. They would be the other reason for marshmallows, I assume. Especially anywhere there’s likely to be a campfire.
They go on top of the sweet potatoes/yams.
1.Roast or boil your yams/sweet potatoes until soft. If you buy canned, they’ll already be very sweet, so taste before you add anything.
2.Discard the skins, and chop/mash the insides with butter, salt, pepper, brown sugar, cinnamon, and orange juice or milk (not both!) until you like the texture and taste.
3.Spread the mixture in a flattish oven-safe serving dish and arrange marshmallows on top. It can now go into the fridge until the turkey is out of the oven.
4.Before serving, put into a hot oven until they’re hot and the marshmallows are puffed and toasted.
You CAN obviously make them without the marshmallows, but then it’s just a vegetable, not a festive treat of childhood memories.
If you wore lifts or high heels you’d be taller and your feet would look smaller. And your butt would look cute! But you’d pay a price in stability.