I’m not religious but I also have nothing against people who are. But I never understood how the most popular Christian symbol is a guy being executed
I’m not religious but I also have nothing against people who are. But I never understood how the most popular Christian symbol is a guy being executed
it’s amazing how we have overcome disabilities with new methods
are you referring to morning wood?
I don’t know the actual numbers but that would only apply if their base of active users has significantly declined
I don’t understand what that would have to do with a social media site
thanks for refreshing my memory of how it worked
You have to at least give them credit for leaving this up in the post - “Due to reddit admins being complete fucking morons”
I vaguely remember the secret santa thing. Could you remind us what that was all about.
This is new. I have never seen this before. Reminds me of mods of groups banning people just because they are subscribed to other groups that those mods don’t like. So much for free speech
I have never seen a reddit group that allowed non mods to see the modlog for a group. This ability is a great feature of Lemmy. I’ve never even read talk of reddit doing it
I really like the self appraisal idea
Yes it does help limiting some snow birds. There is a whole methodology with snow birds. Unrelated to property tax and and home ownership. To establish state residency you need to physically live 6 months and a day in a state to be considered a “resident” there. Many try to get around it. But states go as far as checking where your cell phone is along with credit card purchases to catch people lying about where they were.
This is such an excellent point. Exactly when do we get to stop paying for something that we already own
And then where is going to afford to buy another house to live in?
Agreed lots of non work related distractions from co workers
You describing overall productivity vs. amount of hours worked and that of course is totally logical.
I’m not going to offer numbers and percentages but I would propose an overall cap on state property taxes. That would force the state to spend less or finally get rid of funding for things that are not providing the desired results. I would shift the percentage of property tax levied more on commercial than residential. And finally I would have a lower rate for those who own the house and live there as opposed to an owner who is renting out the house.
If you live FULL TIME in Florida there is a cap on property tax increases. Many people in Florida own homes but do not live here full time and therefore are not eligible for this protection against increases. But they don’t have an age limit that ends all increases.
There are 2 types of “remote” workers. Those who spend much of the day doing personal stuff and not work. And then there are those who actually put in a full day of work. And that group is actually more productive than being in an office setting which is always filled with distractions. Instead of an across the board ending of remote work it should be based on individuals. If you send an important email, text, whatever and do not get a reply for hours you know that at least today that person is not being attentive to work. Let those who have proven that they are productive at home continue to do it.
Good point on the smell thing. I’ll be out driving with my blind friend and if we want something to eat he will rattle off all the places he can smell. And he drives there flawlessly