Even better, just say “green Mario”
Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
Even better, just say “green Mario”
Holy shit you found a real one.
Super happy to see this when I revisited the thread.
Yeah no that’s not what I meant. Screw going out in public.
Just that y’all have plenty to be confident about. The wit, the funny, the weird kinks… You all could provoke a rock into having the thought: “daaaang, they cute”.
If your keyboard is RGB, you could even color-code your F-keys according to what they do.
gestures vaguely at the massive amounts of rizz on display
Well, in the sequel “The New Colossus” they made it to mercury.
find community called femcelmemes
Look inside
full of cute memes that make me want to date them
I’ve had the steam overlay bound to shift+f12 for years, for this exact reason.
Also, framedata and system usage overlay toggle on shift+f9, obs recording on shift+f11, and linux terminal on shift+f10.
What I’m about to say, isn’t necessarily true for your guy, but it is for me.
Also, just to validate your feelings a bit, nothing you’re feeling is weird or crazy. I experience some of my strongest emotions in the context of romance, but keeping a lid on them and recognizing and controlling my feelings and the potential behaviour they might lead to, is something I’ve gotten good at. I think every seemingly sane person is doing similar emotional self-management.
And, in terms of attention, you are allowed to ask for more. Or less. You are also not required to fake the good times, unless you genuinely want to do that for someone for a bit. Doing it long term, is just straight up not healthy. A partner in life is supposed to be there both for the good, and the bad.
Showing vulnerability, is never a mistake. If someone uses it against you, that’s their fault, not yours. Still, if it happens, it’ll hurt.
I don’t know of a way to avoid that eventuality, aside from luck, or giving up on relationships entirely. And that’s not a trade worth making, imo. (Though difficult not to make, if hurt before)
What helped me, was realizing, and more importantly, believing, that any half-decent person will do everything in their power to avoid hurting others. If they don’t, then I misjudged their character, and they should not be in my life. It has made it easier for me to forgive those who did not intend it, and to walk away from those that did.
Now for what I wanted to say. I like more than one type of woman. And while I’m not entirely sure that I need my relationships to be monogamous, I always assume that monogamy is expected, and default to that behavior. I would never make light of someone elses commitment to me by assuming otherwise. And I have absolutely no problem with this. I would not start a relationship without being ready to commit in this way.
Showing interest in other people, is completely normal. Physical interest is just physical interest, and you can’t be everything a person is into.
I like short women. I also like tall women.
I obviusly cannot have both. But if I date someone tall, it won’t mean I suddenly stop finding short women cute as hell. I am FULL of contradicting interests like this.
If I commit to someone, that means I give up on having whatever that person is not. And that’s fine. That’s how it should be. If a person chooses someone in that way, that means they’ve chosen them.
The problems occur with people who do not respect the fact that they cannot have the cake, and also eat it.
That said, if you don’t like something in your relationship, you’re allowed to say so. Just be careful about it. It can be hard to communicate stuff like this, without one of you feeling like they’re under attack. In a way, you already do, which means you should probably be talking about it.
Its only positive, is that the denuvo license is non-perpetual.
This is what has led to the trend of it getting removed after a while, because if the publisher wants to keep using it, they have to keep paying.
They aren’t removing it because people hate it, they’re removing it because once launch year has passed, and the crack is out, there’s little reason for the publisher to keep paying denuvo to apply drm.
Much better than it being on there forever on every game that ever launched with it.
An “absolute win” if you will.
Hnnnnggh. Cute af !fangmoe@ani.social.
Same in finnish. “Ylihuomenna” where “yli” means over and the rest is tomorrow.