The foundation of sex is consent. If consent (including hearing about it and discussing it) is absent, then it is torture.
And I literally mean rape and sexual assault should be considered torture, because they are and they have the same effects on the brain as classic forms of torture, and indeed both SA and rape are used as a form of torture in war. Look at the mass rapes in Ukraine. It’s not for sexual gratification, it’s to torture people, and they also happen to get off on it.
People have different boundaries around what they discuss, especially personal info. It’s important to respect that.
If you want to experience a less inhibited place, I recommend checking out a sex club.
It is if it’s not consensual.
Verbal and emotional abuse are still abuse, still count as harm, and psychological abuse is so effective it is used in psychological warfare.
Physical abuse is to physical torture, what verbal&emotional abuse are to psychological torture.
Maybe learn a little about consent so you stop harming others. I’ve already given you an example of why someone may not want to discuss sex (past trauma), but also, given your personality- they may find YOU distressing to talk with and not a safe person. And by your own words, you aren’t.