Not in almost all of what he says and thinks and does, true. The part about humanity being very, very bad for the planet, that’s a notion I can get behind.
she/her, A(u?)DHD, German (linksgrünversifft), fanartist. Likes Doctor Who a normal amount. Also other nerdy BS. 🖖⚛️🦄🐙🦖🎮🗾
✨ #fckafd #fckcdu #fckmrz ✨
Not in almost all of what he says and thinks and does, true. The part about humanity being very, very bad for the planet, that’s a notion I can get behind.
The best bad guys are those who actually kind of have a point there, hm.
Note that this does not necessarily show your local brands (unless you’re in the US, presumably). German pizza maker Wagner and German convenience food maker Maggi are owned by Nestle, but not represented here.
Was sind denn “deutsche Tugenden”?
“Meme” does not mean “picture”.
Everything Robotnik says is Truth and/or too good for this movie. You will not convince me that Jim Carrey, “artistic consultant”, did not write his own lines - nobody was able to tell him no. It was either that or explicit Robotnik/Stone.
Fabelhafte Idee! Hast du da eine Empfehlung? Berillium D100 oder so?
Die Umsatzsteuer für Speisen in der Gastronomie soll dauerhaft auf sieben Prozent sinken.
Weil Restaurant-Essen zum Grundbedarf gehört - das leuchtet ein. Brillen dagegen sind der pure Luxus (deswegen zahlen Krankenkassen ja auch nix dazu, ergibt also Sinn).
His Twitter account is ZelenskyyUA, two "y"s, so that’s probably what he prefers for English contexts.
New legs. Not special ones, just new ones that aren’t shit. Man that sounds like a downer. I’ll take a mechanical hand that doesn’t hurt when I forget to take breaks from drawing for 12 hours. And some ocular implant to tell me the name of that person who just waved at me and who clearly knows me.
I can think of other things that sound cool on paper but I’ve consumed enough media to know that they’re VERY bad ideas and not worth it.
Nice, further strengthening the association between the accused and the beloved video game character. Nintendo is sure to be delighted.
And then a conversation happens, right? That’s how it works, yeah?
Learn and practice some self control.
Yeah. Just… Do the thing, y’know? Just do it. Press the button to self control. Also, stop being poor.
Sure, I never claimed the opposite :) I just think in this case, the one to blame is whoever came up with the idea for this article, not the people who were asked questions.
You mean, stupid because I didn’t do that when I was 15 years younger?
Old people tend to use quotation marks as emphasis.
“This is techbro nonsense” is shorthand for “this is false for reasons 1, 2, 3 describing what techbros think”. Just like “this is racist” is shorthand for “this is false for reasons 1, 2, 3 describing what racists think”. Why should we waste time explaining in detail again and again what’s wrong with an argument when there are simple words that encompass it all? KevinOfficeWords.jpg
I love how it’s apparently worse because she’s a “grandmother”.