Totally agreed.
If you ever want to reach out to me, maybe you’ve got an idea you want to run by me or for any other reason, my DMs are always open :)
Totally agreed.
If you ever want to reach out to me, maybe you’ve got an idea you want to run by me or for any other reason, my DMs are always open :)
I tried that one when I visited their distillery last year. I thought it was pretty good, but it was a tasting and so the fact I also tried the Confederation Oak at the same time, probably didn’t help much. Maybe I’ll pick up a bottle the next time I want a cheaper whisky. I don’t really have a go-to Canadian at that price point, though I have been enjoying Canadian Club 12 Year recently. Way better than the regular CC, which I find to be a pretty boring drink.
Awesome. I’ve just appointed you as moderator. There’s four of us now, which might be a tad overkill, but I’m thinking this community might get more popular as everything keeps progressing, and more mods doesn’t hurt I don’t think
Thank you! I’ve also just appointed you as moderator. There’s four of us now, which might be a tad overkill, but I’m thinking this community might get more popular as everything keeps progressing, and more mods doesn’t hurt I don’t think
I used RCM until grade/level 10, then switched over to G. Henle Verlag. The latter is not Canadian but it’s also not American either, so it might still be worth it for you. I find them to be the absolute best piano books out there, especially for fingerings. I have several books and exclusively use them now. If you’re dead set on Canadian though, RCM is probably your best bet
Try 40 Creek Confederation Oak for a higher end Canadian whisky. It’s my favourite in the $70 range
Hey! Mod here, I’d be happy to have someone else help mod. When I made this community a while back I didn’t expect it to go anywhere, and I’m pretty busy now with a wedding to plan and a baby on the way, so having some help would be appreciated. Maybe I’ll make a post to see if anyone with modding experience would be willing to help out
I like the idea, but feel like maybe putting a list in the sidebar would make more sense. Maybe I’ll make a post asking for suggested websites to include in the sidebar
Maybe not this time around since you’ve already got all the rules in place but maybe a future one you could expand it to regions of Canada? It’s a big enough country that I feel you could do that. For example, eastern Canada (especially Newfoundland but also Nova Scotia and maybe other Atlantic provinces, I’m not 100% sure) have a very different culture than the rest of Canada, and I’m sure western Canada could be similarly different. Just a thought if you wanted to change things up in a future one. I’d imagine the States would be similar too
Sounds good. If you come up with any ideas and want to run it past me first or if you want to talk for any other reason feel free to DM me