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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2024


  • China uses different software for all vehicles that are foreign and sold in China last I knew. There is no reason that companies couldn’t submit open source firmware (or at least open to review for the government) to Canada’s government for alteration and approval for shipping. Then if any car sold with alternative firmware would result in massive fines and ban of all future sales. Poof. Your trembling fears of people trying to help the less fortunate should be gone. All the sudden car prices come down in your country, as does gas prices, meaning if you want to keep your gas vehicle, you get cheaper fuel. The supply didn’t change, just had lower demand with every electric car sold.

    Also your dependency on a country who is threatening your well being goes down, that should be a win win

  • Not only is this exaggerated and false, her buying in selling is now online which I think shouldn’t happen but I understand why they did so. Since being online it has still out performed them, and shown no insider trading. So if you want to bring some evidence I’d be glad to look at it but this claim has been so widely said people just accepted it like much of what Trump says. The number of Republicans and Democrats who have wanted Pelosi gone is extraordinarly high (often for good reasons), if there was evidence of it they would have used it to bring her down and put her in jail. Instead it appears she has invested in mostly tech companies over “40 years” and done well because of it.

  • Assuming they spent every dollar her husband made in his life while being an investment banker, and just put her wages in, using 10% average growth (10 year average is over that for the Stock market).

    She is below average for the market. She’d be worth about 210 million. But she’s way lower than that in real life.

    When you can deposit $174,000 to income annually into the market… You arent playing the same struggles that we are.

    Her money would very likely check out, you have to remember she’s been in office for 48 years. That’s a long fucking time. She was at JFK’s inauguration as a 20 year old student studying to become a Congress member.

    I don’t think she’s a good person, but when people accuse her I think they overlook how long she’s worked