Easy now. You only have to kill one of them.
Easy now. You only have to kill one of them.
Your plan fails and the proletariat rise up and seize the weapos. You return back to a world of gay space communism.
I don’t need to know where you grew up. Youre alive right now. So you grew up in a world that was heavily influenced by black artists that you’ve never even heard the name of. I was trying to give you an “out” for your absolute stupidity and ignorance. But you just decided to doubled down. You clearly have a child’s understanding of history. I can’t help you with that. You have to seek it out on your own. Otherwise you can keep sounding like the really ignorant but confident uncle at the Thanksgiving table.
My dude. Please learn a little bit about the history of music. It’s ok to be ignorant of it. You grew up in a country that has appropriated and stolen the art forms of black artist since before jazz music even existed.
But some of us use this massive source of information called “The Internet” to actually learn. Seriously, there is so much interesting shit out there. You don’t even need to be “woke”. You can literally just be interested in where music genres came from and their influence. If you do even a little bit of listening you’ll learn about how heavily every form of “pop” culture is heavily heavily influenced by black culture and in turn monetized by capitalist for profit.
Today the “face” of which is exploited black artist. But in the past was often a “white face” that was used to monetize black culture or artist that could never become “mainstream”.
This is exactly what a dude from the 80s knew. And he didn’t even have the Internet. He just knew the music industry and called it out for its failures. You have no excuse in 2025 to judge a white dude in the 80s pointing to well documented exploitations of black culture.
Black Americans did not only influence rap. They influenced every part of pop music for a century. They were only able to be successfully monetized around the time that rap music became popular. Seriously, you can open yourself up to a whole new world of music and history. You just have to be curious. You have the Internet. Good luck mate.
Wait? Really? Fuck me. I was supporting the proletariat because I thought we were gonna allow people to eat people. This is not the revolution I signed up for. What am I going to do with all this extra meat?! My freezer is completely full.
No. DEI was always performative. Companies realized that they no longer had to pretend to care so they stopped doing performative “DEI training” because it was no longer beneficial to their bottom line.
It had nothing to do with people shooting cans of Bud Light. It had everything to do with the entire country shifting further with right wing reactionary beliefs.
Unorganized boycotts with no demands and no pressure from labor unions are useless. Boycotts in support of labor are absolutely class solidarity.
This one is useless. As most “reddit” boycotts are.
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They really expanded their banning too. My ten year old account got banned for telling a guy that was defending the third Nazi salute to “go to hell”. Was banned and then had the appeal just confirm the ban.
New account basically uses your Internet footprint to ban any accounts you make. I could get around it but it just is not fucking worth it at that point.
If they want to keep Nazis on their platform and ban the people that tell them to go to hell Reddit will be like 4chan quickly.
Hell, I feel every website is becoming 4chan these days. Twitter and Facebook are cesspools. Fuck reddit.
Azereus was pretty good. But vuze is when it went to shit if I remember right. It basically followed the same path as uTorrent by selling to ad companies and became adware.
Also, if anyone is wondering the modern torrent clients today that are clean of any adware are Qbittorrent, Deluge, and Transmission.
Having to reformat your hard drive and reinstall a pirated version of windows XP because your computer can’t stop loading porn websites and you’re browser had 10 toolbars you can’t remove. It’s a right of passage to learn that. Honestly, the adware I got infected on the family PC just made me learn computers. And now I’m 10 years into a Software Engineering career.
Thanks adware. You kick started my career at the age of 12.
It’s called being an anti imperialist that lives in the imperial core. Next start listening to some Michael Parenti. Sadly it’s taken the US directing it’s imperialism at western countries to wake up to it. But better late than never.
Absolutely. Thanks for the receipts.
I mean Canada literally honored a WW2 vet for a Ukrainian that “fought Russia” in WW2. Like, no thought “who was fighting the USSR in Ukraine in WW2?”
Yep. A lot of Nazi leaders began making their connections with the west as it became obvious that the USSR was winning in the Eastern front as well as Operation Paperclip, etc.
I hate the “it was a different time” excuse for these awful human beings. It falls apart if you do any reading from the time. Plenty of people wrote about how shit these people were AT THE TIME. Our morals haven’t expanded somehow. Our systems of control have changed to be more sustainable. The ruling class learned that slavery was not sustainable. That’s it.
Also, this doesn’t give an excuse for the leaders of today. The slave owners of the past are not “less caring” than the current ruling class is. The current ruling class has just better distanced themselves from direct acts of violence while expanding their ability to perform mass violence. Slavery has evolved into mass incarceration for example. We’ve just normalized our violence into different systems and outsourced a lot of it to the global south.
If you’re a Billionaire today you are the equivalent of a slave owner of the past with significantly more violence and control than a slave owner could ever dream of.
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Would love to know where you’re getting your numbers from for the US and China. I surely hope it’s not just the AI response on top of Google. But that’s what it seems like. You’d literally have to write a whole research paper to get a good comparison because these are heavily consumer based subsidies within each country and China just has a much larger market it sells to heavily inflating the credit because of population. Also, you didn’t list a date range for your 30 Billion number.
You also have to account for state level subsidies and tax credits in the US in addition to Federal programs, grants, loans, etc. Would love to read a paper on this if you have a source.
But, even using your numbers 30 Billion (something I don’t think is accounting for State or EV infrastructure spending; but again, I’d like to see a source) is not a “drop in the bucket”. It’s 13% of what you listed for China over 14 years. Interestingly enough China also outselling the US in terms of market share. Comparing the subsidies of a country that owns the plurality of the market to one that does not is silly. Subsidies are going to increase WITH sales. China is selling significantly more cars. You’d have to compare the subsidies and adjust them based on units sold.
Doing some “Google AI response results” myself China is selling about 8x more EVs than the US (in 2023).
Hmmm. 8x30 = 240 billion. Weird. Again, I’m not taking my numbers seriously but I’m not taking your numbers seriously either because you didn’t sight a source, adjust for units sold, or give a date range for your US numbers.
But you’re just not comparing this correctly. You HAVE to adjust for units sold. Which you are not.
My dude the US subsidizes the shit out of its electric car industry. When someone brings up “supply and demand” and just tries to pretend that the economy is exactly what they learned in their econ101 class.
They are doing the tarrifs on Chinese EVS because (1) they can’t compete on price and (2) the Chinese EVS are just a superior product.
You’re right on China though. They are just doing exactly what the US has done for decades. It’s just that the US doesn’t like having to actually compete with another country. So instead of actually making better and cheaper cars they instead just decide to tell the American people “nah, looks like you’re just being a shit Tesla”
The US loves to say “free market” but notice how they don’t allow a free market to force their industry to actually innovate and compete.
China is not “cheating” by subsidizing it’s industry. That’s literally just standard shit every government does. Thats just an excuse. America is subsidizing it’s EVs too. They just have worse EVs.
Nothing quite says “American Capitalist bootlicker” more than proudly paying more for an inferior product while complaining that it’s the Communists fault.
You’re stumbling upon a fundamental contradiction of capitalism that Marx wrote about. The rate of profits tends to decline over time and what you’re describing is the end result of that. Capitalist always attempt to fight against this contradiction to delay the inevitable crash but they can only delay. Them paying less while working people more is the fundamental way the markets attempt to delay the crash. But, again, it is only ever a delay. We are heading into a crash not seen since the great depression. It’s why they are pushing automation and AI so heavily. They are preparing to capitalize on the economic catastrophe that they are creating. Crashes are not “bad” for capital owners. They are a feature that allows for further wealth concentration.
No one can predict the crash though. Not even the billionaires that control the markets. And it can bubble for decades before it pops.