Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I’ll definitely wear some wheelies for you bro. Have to admit I’m pretty jealous of your size 13 wides…I wish I could get a decent pair of adult running shoes like you could I’m sure. So with my hands I’ve found playing some instruments quite difficult - especially guitar where I’ve struggled to play some chords and needed to get a 3/4 size guitar. Hand shakes are also awkward - both men’s and women’s hands can kind of dwarf my own. But yes, I guess the benefit is that my hands are much more nimble - I can easily reach things under the fridge and am pretty handy despite my handlets.
I could be in the average penis club as well. Luckily I have ridiculously small hands so by comparison I’m Ron Jeremy.
Pretty average bro
Haha why is this so true? Luckily whatever made my hands and feet lilliputian didn’t affect any other part of my body.
Sometimes. I can walk and run fine because my calves and foot muscles I think have grown bigger to compensate. But still trip all the time. Windy days are not my friend.
Here’s a photo of my foot next to my friend’s size 11 foot…