Valve, they make Steam. A popular gaming store that brought modern gaming to Linux
Valve, they make Steam. A popular gaming store that brought modern gaming to Linux
Not defending valve but are the forums even necessary?
I’ve been an avid player for 4 years (my son even more so) and I didn’t even know they had forums
No, they’ll be dismantled and sold as scrap
Trump has the knowledge base of a home schooled toddler with an undiagnosed learning disability
Yeap but apparently there are hundreds ofn thousands of sheep or wolves that like to be trampled
Funny, I never really liked going to the USA and now, finally, the rest of my family understands
Plenty of better places to go, sadly because of geographical location, it’s hard to avoid the USA as a stop when traveling from Canada but I get the feeling this is soon to change as well
Fuck the USA hard until they fix their dumpster fire of government… and no, I don’t just mean “elect a democrat”, update your bible and get a real democracy going
Why are you offended at anone asking for evidence?
Maybe is more people asked for evidence, the world wouldn’t be in such a mess now
Thanks for the links!.. definitely a balm on the shattered trust in the American people
It’s not just US companies harmed.
Who else is harmed in this case?
One also would think more long term and hope for better relations with Canada and USA having more cooperative relations especially as it pertains to an auto market.
Why? this is exactly what we had and Trump destroyed… why would be trust them again? ever?.. even if we go back to a trade agreement, there should be hard guarantees in place to be able to trust the USA again in pretty much anything
Regardless harming your European allies to spite the US isn’t ideal either.
Why would that be the case at all? I am all for opening the Canadian market to European auto makers (very few make it here)… Most people who can afford it never buy American cars anyway as they are fairly low in everything when compared to Asian or European brands.
Why would reducing tariffs on Chinese EVs harm European allies when we already barely allow them into the Canadian market?
It’s more like: “Americans who support Ukraine… but couldn’t be bother voting”
Where? how do you know? how does the rest of the world find out about these?
I’m I don’t know… Muricans elected donald knowing full well what he was about to do…
I am certain trump is dumb and evil… I am NOT certain this is not what Muricans wanted
Love this idea; however, bringing Chinese cars is like applying pressure to the wound… fixing public transportation is the long term healing process.
1 - They are not mutually exclusive, bring the Chinese cars now while starting on the long term public transportation projects
2 - The Federal gov can act on the Chinese cars now… public transportation is 100% Provincial purview so an entirely different team needs to address this other priority
Cheap Chinese trash mobiles built by Uyghur slave labor are not the answer.
How about we build cars in Canada instead?
Another person who thinks the world is like a SIMS game… just press the button and the factory pops up, right?!
There are tons of those videos from Teslas… so unless you have a legit source showing Chinese EVs are more dangerous than Tesla’s, your comment is nothing but an annecdote
Yes but Canada has no EV industry… so, even if it’s just temporarily to provide Canadians with an option while telling American companies to suck it… what’s the problem?
Are we really going to say we don’t to business with China because of anti-competitive practices when we have been doing business with American doing WAY worse all along?
Not if you choose wilful ignorance… in that case we have no way of knowing anything
Hey Muricans, this is what you wanted and voted for (or could’t be bother voting to prevent)… enjoy
or, hit the streets and remove the fascist gov you elected
Good to know, thanks for the info