Pure fucking luck applying to an ad on Indeed. I was summarily fired from my previous job under deeply perplexing and seriously odd circumstances. Over the next seven months, I sent out over 800 tailored resumes and cover letters. Job applications were more work than a full time job. In the prior seven months, I had a grand total of 12 actual rejection letters, 2 ghostings, and 1 interview that never got past the first round.
I applied to an ad that popped up on a Saturday morning and the recruiter called me less than 30 minutes after my application. I thought it was a scam. Turns out the dude is just motivated and deliberately posts his ads on weekends to also find motivated people. Not sure I agree with that bit, but hey, I’m an engineer, not a recruiter.
So, yeah, the job market is really feeling like a sheer numbers game. FWIW, my whole 35+ year career, I have been accustomed to sending 1 resume or application and getting the job I want. Usually, recruiters, companies, or former coworkers poach me from my employer. There’s been some massive shift in things, and it feels like something intentional to disempowee workers.
That’s a long time to be eating one thing.