The first one is pretty obviously meant as a metaphor, hardly problematic. The second one is too obscure for me to even figure out what they’re trying to say, let alone figure out if it problematic or not.
The first one is pretty obviously meant as a metaphor, hardly problematic. The second one is too obscure for me to even figure out what they’re trying to say, let alone figure out if it problematic or not.
It’s not just the last couple years. Things have been taught that way by the Catholic Church for decades.
I won’t say “you couldn’t pay me to drive one”, but only because I’m honest enough with myself to admit that there is absolutely an amount that someone could pay me to drive one around. The number is very far from reasonable though.
Because eating the rich will accomplish nothing if you don’t also change the underlying system that created them in the first place. And good luck getting everyone in the non-rich class to agree on what that change should look like.
And what gives you the impression that they won’t be ordered to? With the current political climate being what it is, they will likely have those orders before the protest even starts.
For those who find this inspirational rather than simply amusing, I recommend making the sign double sided. No sense in advertising to the world that you have a bat until you need to do so.
I saw one place that seemed to say that the address approval poll was among those who watched it. Could be that those who were likely to disapprove didn’t watch it in the first place.
Building cars is something we already do in Canada. And there’s currently a lot of capacity coming online to build electric cars. Pretty much the entire car could be sourced from Canadian parts, including the batteries. I think semi-conductors are the only thing that doesn’t have a domestic source right now.
Me too. I’m on the right side of the border and would happily order from this company if they sell something I need.
Trump winning was the worst thing that could have happened to the Conservatives. Dealing with Trump’s bullshit is the one thing that most people seem to agree that Trudeau and the Liberals handled well.
PP wanted his “carbon tax election”, but just about no one is very concerned about that right now.
The unavoidable problem is that things cost money. Everything Mozilla does costs money, from hosting their website to paying developers. If they are giving away the software free to users, where is the money going to come from? Previously (and I think currently) a lot of that money is coming from Google, but being beholden to that one company is not ideal. So Mozilla has to look for alternate income.
I can at least empathize with the shitty position they are in where they have to find a way to monetize enough to exist, without becoming just like Google.
I very specifically don’t want my security tied to my device. Trying to migrate to new phones, and keeping things synced between a phone, desktop, and laptop is why I long ago moved to a password manager. Now, especially in the phone space, getting passkeys to function fully with a password manager ranges from “pain in the ass” to “not actually possible”.
Passkeys are a great idea, but everyone involved seems like they want the process to be as much of a pain in the dick as possible. So until the industry pulls it’s collective head out of its collective ass (not going to hold my breath on that one), it’ll be passwords+2FA for me.
Measuring my server cluster
Personally, I just don’t ask questions I don’t want the answer to.
Not sure what you’re getting at here. A microcode exploit and open source software have nothing to do with each other.