Maybe bouncer is something for you
Maybe bouncer is something for you
step 1 Tracking and profilling step 2 selling data step 3 profit
Android and ios use completely different methods. For example, they listen to frequencies that are inaudible to us and, for example, TV advertising plays an inaudible sound as a trigger for Android/IOs in addition to the audible sound. To impose targeted advertising in order to allocate devices even without a network, etc. They wouldn’t actually need backdoors as they get more than enough information as it is. But I don’t want to imply that I don’t expect backdoors there, because this has been proven in any case and often enough.
So i think 29 undocumented commands are far too many for a mistake…
Am I blaming someone else for this? No. Are we not allowed to draw lessons from the past? Were there no resistance movements during that time? I do not deny the history of my country and that is precisely why I would prefer peaceful solutions instead of future suffering. I’m just wondering why you seem to feel attacked and now think you can use the history of my country to put me down while I didn’t even want anything negative for you. Having said that, every country has its own dark history too please.
Thats hard xD
The stupid thing is that outsourcing had financial reasons… If you bring production back, the same problems arise. We have completely overslept automation and robotics and China is leading the way. As a result, they can offer much cheaper products without slave labor. Then comes the issue of democracies and laws. My home country Germany… Enercon wind energy destroyed in 2011 through industrial espionage by the USA with the help of the NSA (minor matter) but in 2012 Merkel’s CDU approved the sale of the solar division to China… Now we just have no more rights… Simply saying we’ll take it back is not compatible with democratic values and laws, except for a buyback. But the Chinese are not that stupid, they buy very well on the German market, including know-how. ( btw I am just as guilty with the political situation in my country… luckily the AfD has not made it all the way ) But of course they don’t just buy in Germany. China is not a democracy and they don’t care about it either and use it indirectly for oppression etc. But if the West acted like this, democracy would be history. Democratic countries have to stick to it, otherwise it will collapse. Unfortunately, active ways of protecting democracy itself were not considered at the time
That the hardware of American ISP’s is compromised (thus ALL traffic from America) also helps industrial espionage. Wonderful that Trump is shutting down and rolling out the red carpet for hackers.
Then determine from another democratic country what might undergo a change. But to rejoice that states are breaking up, which automatically means agony and suffering, is inhumane to the maximum. I don’t like some countries either, but I would rather see them change through a change of government instead of them falling apart and the population suffering endlessly.
I don’t want to say that you wish people suffering… I am of course assuming that you mean the respective politics, only the population is the country and the politicians are only the representatives of the people.
Almost the entire production in all areas is outsourced to China. Russia is only known for oil and its scrap technology.
China can exist without the West (apart from ASML) but the West can no longer exist without China.
I hate the translator + my phone xD
Because we have democratic laws and, as I said, China is not stupid but acts within the law (apart from cyberwarfare). The results of all this can now be seen with Trump, who is completely destroying democratic values. It is also enough to look at the technological difference between China and Russia. China also produces all the measurement while our measurement is also produced there. Underestimating the Chinese or comparing them with Russia is simply unrealistic.
Let’s wait and see the results of Trump policies. In the end, the citizen has the last word when he starts the civil war.
Btw. The tiktok ban showed how loyal the American population is to the Chinese government.
Without China, Russia would no longer be able to act. The economy etc. would have collapsed completely long ago without China. China therefore has control over Russia and not vice versa. (Even North Korea now has more to say than Putin…) So China is tackling the global battle via cyberwar and economic warfare. It is also a way to overthrow other countries without war and the West is dependent on China. China is not sending its country back a century, but into the future. They are not rushing into a senseless and stupid war, but are waiting until the stupid Russians burn through the capacities worldwide with the Ukraine war. They are also waiting until America splinters completely and possibly takes Europe with it. It is absolutely not comparable with the brainless MeatGrindr bullshit from the Russians.
I’m not saying that China won’t start a war, but they won’t do it as stupidly as the Russians. China is thinking several years ahead. Just future-oriented.
So apart from nuclear weapons, China is much more dangerous for the West
No, absolutely not like Russia 2.0 The Chinese are taking a completely different approach to the Russians. The fact that people still think the Chinese are stupid is unbelievable…
Lol neighborhood… community… rofl.
Psychiatric disorders and a danger to the neighborhood as well as to any peaceful person. 100%
Is Biden also to blame for Trump’s first 4 years? It’s the people’s fault! It’s your damn fault too! The world is still waiting for riots and precautions of election manipulation etc. But nothing comes from you. Just peaceful protests while trump pisses in your faces.
An die down voter… Was ist der Protest darauf? Kostenlos Werbung für diese Namen machen? Ihr merkt ja nicht mal mehr was in DE abgeht und fordert weiter unkontrollierte Einwanderung… Selbst die linken etc raffen es das die grünen eine Gefahr für jegliche Demokratie sind
Edit: nicht einmal fähig zu antworten. Ich schäme mich in Grund und Boden ein ehemaliger drecks grünen Wähler gewesen zu sein.
grüne… deshalb sieht es wie Werbung aus für genau die genannten Personen…
You lucky nexus owner. I wish GrapheneOS could be flashed on more smartphones. Yeah so that definitely reads like the feature that bouncer provides and if that’s anchored at the system level the Graphene solution is guaranteed to be better too. Either way, it offers a lot of good functions that you can’t simply make available on another Android via root.
Edit: I also forgot that Bouncer needs root to be fully functional.