It is round my house. Come on in! Love the gas, Meg, love the gas.
Look, you get born, you keep your head down, and then you die. If you’re lucky.
It is round my house. Come on in! Love the gas, Meg, love the gas.
Gladiator is good but give a listen to Mars from the Planet Suite by Holst.
Oh, man, if we could find someone on lemmy with the time, energy, and mad skills to do the same kind of race recaps that u/Alphamaxnova1 used to do I would be so happy.
I mean, if money’s no object I’m sure some travel agent could put together a package deal to go to every race. That way you could experience the glitz of Monaco but also get to see some decent races.
You think they’d listen to a random brown dude who couldn’t speak English?
I think you know why.
Same as I think of actors who don’t write their own films or plays.
And to labor the point, also cooks who don’t create their own recipes. Or football players who don’t invent the rules of the game. Or fighter pilots who don’t build their own jets. Or doctors who rely on “book learnin’” instead of figuring out how the human body works themselves.
He wants to be the first trillionaire. This is the way.
Unilever isn’t American.
I’m allowed to walk across the street without being arrested for ‘jay walking’.
War would be declared every morning before all the me’s have had my coffee.
My brother in law is slightly left-of-centre leaning but he said he’d still buy a Tesla because he thinks the supercharger network is still a game-changer. If he did get one I might find the occasional opportunity to draw a dick and balls on it when it gets dirty, But he currently drives a 12-year old Toyota Corolla so I don’t see him stumping up the cash for a Tesla any time soon.
Doh! Good question. I leave it as an exercise for the reader.
We’ve gone past guillotine, past morgue, past burial… now we’re into illegal exhumation and vivisection humor territory.
Yeah, sorry guys. We’re like the weird cousin who turns up to family meetings, says some dumb shit, and creeps everyone out a little bit.
No, no I can’t.
Pfft. ITT kids.
Twin Peaks.
Failing Twin Peaks, then Sapphire and Steel.