Grok gonna fall from a windows
Grok gonna fall from a windows
That matter only if fair election still exist which it will not in the future of the US
Resistance is not cracking it’s not even started yet because people still hoping for a way to do this peacefully but there is none.
US resistance have to wake the fuckup and start burning shit down with fascist inside
We should raise tariffs each time a illegal weapon is found coming from the US that will be a augmentation of 1000% tariffs before the week-end
The destruction of education so people as easier to control is a decades long games started by russia after the end of the cold war Trump is the puppet controling the uneducated.
Putin did not have to compromise 47 millions people only 1 and he did trump is a KGB agent since the 80’s at least
And sadly for the change you want so no more Elon Musks are created a violent revolution is needed no change of politic will change that
Russia already own the US that why all of this happen now
I’m with you buddy i will use the rest of my life making canada a useless wasteland before i let those fucktard take 1 inch of land
Never too young to learn how much your dad is a piece of human garbage that non braindead people hate