And massive election reform.
And massive election reform.
Is it one of those “play the whole main story and then focus on the side content” situations or “Save the final mission for later because its a proper ending” situations?
Its mostly just that I want a Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim with a sci-fi setting. A solid story, lots of side-quests, and a dynamic world that reacts to the player. I’d probably enjoy a modern metropolitan criminal setting as well for an RPG like GTA’s settings but Elder-Scrolls/3D-Fallout gameplay but you never see that at all.
Space is cool though.
Someone could gift a literal trojan horse to Trump and he’d fall for it as long as it had his face on it or maybe some gold.
I wish there were more new sci-fi RPGs of that quality.
I do hear CP2077 is good now and I keep meaning to play it.
TBH I’ll probably end up enjoying Starfield once I get around to trying it as well.
I don’t know if Meth use should constitute total exile from society, especially if you are trying to get off of it. Its a highly addictive drug and usually people use it because of a state of being deprived and desperate of any joy in life.
I don’t really fully agree with the person you are responding too, but the level of aggression brought about from Meth use is significantly more potent and consistent compared to Alcohol, which is a little more variable depending on the person using it.
This is too weak and virtue oriented.
That said, I guess its better than nothing. Focusing on promoting alternatives however would probably be a little more effective. Amazon has a lot of weird niche products that I’ve struggled to find else where from trust-able sellers.
Yeah I prefer it be not divided that way TBH because you end up with possible campaigns to de-federalize succeeding in the future. Federation is generally a good idea though.
I would have organized against Harris because that would have been easier. I’m not looking to get shot by brown shirts in the street.
I appreciate you correcting them (Because otherwise I was going to) but saying its sinophobia is a stretch, its almost certainly just that Tiananmen Square is more famous.
I say this as someone who loathes Musk, its not a big deal that this exploded.
But the success or failures of the program should also not be meaningfully attributed to Musk anyway. He owns the company but hes not an engineer.