Fre:ac seems to run in a wine package.
Fre:ac seems to run in a wine package.
I wonder what impact a truly high end CPU being open would have on the fab industry.
Right now, there’s a lot of manufacturing secret sauce; if you took an Intel design, it would require significant rework to perform well on Samsung or TSMC process.
Fab owners would have a vested competitive interest to customize the design to perform better on their tooling.
Conversely, buyers might develop a renewed interest in second-sourcing-- if you can take your chip to any fab, you have more control over your supply chain.
Shadowy international cabals used to be competent and stylish.
This is buying the Illuminati off of Wish.
It’s the same playbook as foreign sanctions elsewhere.
The Assads, Kims, and Putins of the world can get their people to rally into a “bunker mentality” which helps prop up their regimes as a grand and noble struggle.
Trump has brought the same energy home. And history shows you can milk it for decades or generations even before something essential craxks.