This is an exaggeration. You mentioned you live in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) in Canada. Toronto is one of the safest large cities in North America.
Mastodon: @greg@clar.ke
This is an exaggeration. You mentioned you live in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) in Canada. Toronto is one of the safest large cities in North America.
I think we can all agree that babies look weird… except my daughter, she was a perfect looking baby
What industry do you work in/have experienced bullying in?
Why would it be strange to him that anyone is getting bullied? It’s incredibly common especially in workplaces
Because it’s not common everywhere. I’m sure it happens everywhere but it’s a lot more common in certain places and industries. That’s why it’s strange to them.
Where do you live if I may ask?
I currently live in friendly Belleville, Ontario, Canada, it’s a city of 50K. I was born in the UK, grew up in Australia, and have lived / spent a lot of time in a few other countries as well.
A lot of people are secretly cows and they actually eat that grass. Next time you say hello to someone and they respond “moo” you’ll know why.
I can appreciate that this is a sensitive topic for you but they didn’t claim adult bullying doesn’t happen. They said it’s strange to them that anyone is dealing with bullying outside of extreme circumstances. That’s my experience as well. Where I live It’s not culturally acceptable to bully. I’m sure it still happens but it’s rarer than other countries I have lived or visited.
Cheers! I work in tech and don’t know many US politicians so I read that as “A.I. Green” 🤖🟩
This post has about as much context as a map drawn by a blindfolded pirate. What is this all about?
That’s way too logical for a Donald rant
Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/remarks/2025/02/remarks-by-president-trump-before-cabinet-meeting/
It’s from one of Donald’s word vomit speeches
You can’t spell egregious without Greg
I didn’t expect to see targeted content on Lemmy
Well it hasn’t been hammer time since the 90s
On the flip side, transplant given to person who follows medical advice