That sounds awesome, and isn’t that terribly expensive, honestly. My wife and I went on a similar route road trip for our honeymoon a few years ago and it was in that same ballpark of cost, between car rental, hotels, and other expenses.
That sounds awesome, and isn’t that terribly expensive, honestly. My wife and I went on a similar route road trip for our honeymoon a few years ago and it was in that same ballpark of cost, between car rental, hotels, and other expenses.
Money is no object?
Alpha Centauri. Build a spacious and comfortable Orion Drive ship for me and a few thousand of my best friends to go on a nice long trip.
Boss: I’ve decided to pay you shit wages and expect you to work nightmare hours.
Union: We’ve all banded together and would collectively like to tell you that we prefer better wages and more reasonable hours, or else we will strike.
Boss: I’ve decided you can’t do that, or else.
Union: Yes, or else, indeed. That’s the core concept here.
Call his fuckin’ bluff, or else you don’t really have a union at all.
My theory is that Jupiter Ascending was supposed to be a trilogy, but the studio would only approve one movie with a wait-and-see approach to the second and third installments, and the Wachowskis just said “Fuck it,” and crammed 6+ hours of plot and world building into a two-hour movie.
The idea did occur that I’d better be damn sure that I like whatever honey I’ll be eating for the rest of my life.
The use of the word “parasite” is not a coincidence.
“[The Jew] is and remains the eternal parasite, a parasite that spreads more and more like a harmful bacillus, as well as inviting only a favourable culture medium. The effect of its existence, however, is similar to that of parasites: where it occurs, the host people die after a shorter or longer time.”
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
The flak canon was a ton of fun, but I have a special fondness for the slime gun. Primary fire leaving a bunch of slime balls around was hilarious, as was running around with the secondary charged up, just hoping to run face first into someone and fire it at point-blank range, killing you both. Strategic or tactically sound? No. But hilarious.
Let’s all take a look at how well it worked out when America provided support for the Mujahideen in their war against Russia, but then withdrew that support when it was no longer convenient for us.
I love the idea that a product was created to prevent prisoners from smuggling heroin, but then someone said “You know, I bet that would sell great at Sharper Image.”
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila.
—Mitch Ratcliffe
I definitely assume that Palmetto Cheese is just ground-up palmetto bugs.