Each time I update
So in general that’s each time there’s a new LTS version I want to update to. I don’t so the nightlies or daily branches for most of my software and the ones that I do I basically throw some cash like each quarter or so depending on how much I use their software.
Blender for example I think put about $100 towards it last year, that was only the second year I was able to support them and the first year (4 years ago) I only put $15 towards them. And Blender got the most I put towards a project last year.
This year I’ve already put $30 towards Godot though. It’s ahead of Blender right now in 2025.
I try to do what I can, sometimes I can’t contribute and sometimes I can. I like to help where and when I can.
Unfortunately I may have to hold off for a few months as I just got a suprise bill for $1800 so it may be October (hopefully) when I can throw some cash their way again.
I also contribute to some content creators I enjoy, though not as many as I’d like.
So gravity is like economics, accumulate too much in one area without the appropriate amount of external force and shit starts collapsing real quick.