I’m curious how destroying Tesla dealerships hurts them. They have insurance, and are reimbursed after a claim. I get it shows how upset and discontent people are with the company. Am I missing something more?
I’m curious how destroying Tesla dealerships hurts them. They have insurance, and are reimbursed after a claim. I get it shows how upset and discontent people are with the company. Am I missing something more?
They did that to make it sound worse than it is.
Huh, found the wagie.
I’m just being a dick cause it’s 4chan.
That’s why he wants to colonize Mars. Everyone here fucking hates him (or should).
I’ve collected 13 kidneys this way, it’s too easy.
Damn, you’re one slippery fish.
Conservatives and pulling up the ladder, name a more iconic duo.
After pulling up the ladder, they’ll tell you to get up by your bootstraps like they did in all earnestness.
Yea, it’s super location dependant. Generally the more rural the lower the taxes. But it also varies by state. States with low or no income tax tend to have higher property tax.
Oh there will be sham elections like the other fascists do. But yea, no need for polls when there is 106% approval ratings.
Mystical Ninja staring Goemon?
Global warming 2 extinction boogaloo
I think coordinating 45000 flights a day is more complicated than following regulations to launch 1 rocket.